when he knew he was in love with you

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- I like Hawkeye too 😍-


You and Tony were on your third date when he knew. Before, he couldn't quite put his finger on it, but as soon as your face lit up when you saw him, he was sold. The way you glowed when you were happy was something he knew he couldn't live with out. He wanted to wake up every morning and see that happy face.


Steve had so many reasons to love you, but his favorite was when you weren't paying attention. It may sound weird, but he couldn't help but look at you when you zoned out. You'd get a far off look, and you'd rest your head on your hand. You'd nod every once in awhile to assure whoever was talking, that you were paying attention. Steve loved it so much.


The first time you laughed in front of Bruce, he was infatuated. He found your laugh melodic, and it was song he wanted on constant repeat. He'd crack stupid jokes just so you would laugh and call him an idiot. When he confessed his love for your laugh, you had rolled your eyes and told him you hated your laugh. He just shook his head and then cracked a joke so he could hear you laugh again.


Thor loved when you would come home from battle. You were tired and covered in grim, but you were so happy and loving to Thor. He liked that you were in such a good mood. The first time you came home from war, he wanted this jovial feeling to stay. He knew it made you such a happy person.


After your first panic attack, you hugged Bucky and asked if he was okay. He was confused and asked why. You explained that it makes people uncomfortable when you had an attack. He knew he loved you when you cared more for his comfort than your own. You were willing to put him before yourself.
(It's not supposed to be that he wants to be put first, but that you are selfless. Just to clear it up)


He loved you the minute you started cracking the stupidest jokes. He was having a bad day, so you tried to make him happy. You made a joke about a bus and a lobster, and a smile made its way on his face. He also knew you didn't joke for anyone, so when you made jokes for him, he felt pretty damn special.


Pietro knew he loved you when he accidentally knocked you over and you just laughed and shook it off. He was used to people getting angry, but you just joked and carried on with what you were doing. He wanted to be with you after that. He had to hold on to someone who was willing to laugh about being klutzy with him.

- a/n -

Sorry this took so long! I was taking a little break. I needed to take a few nights to read and relax. I wanted my next update to be good (which this one was not) for you guys.

Just so you know, I am ALWAYS  here for you and I love you guys.

Stay classy.


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