you have a nightmare

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"Y/N, why did you let your sister die?! You could have stopped the crash!" You dropped the phone, letting it shatter as it hit the floor. The sound of your dead father came from the broken phone, and you cried harder. It was all your fault. It was you who decided to take her out. It was you who swerved the car to miss the kid in the road. And it was you who they decided to let you walk on this earth.

Suddenly, you were back in the car, hands stuck to the wheel. Your heart sped up, as did the speedometer. The car began to hit over 100 when a small child appeared in the middle of the road. All you could hear was the sound of rubber against asphalt and your sister's screams. You, instinctively, swerved the car and it did a 180...into a tree. Your sister, who's neck had broken, stared at you with dead eyes. Her face was upside down due to the broken neck. Her words haunted you every time.

"You killed me, murderer."

You wake with a start and sat up, holding your heart to calm it down. Tears silently fell down your face. Truthfully, the accident wasn't your fault. You had to go to court, and the parents' of the child were charged. Still, you blamed yourself for the death of your younger sister, only 10 at the time.

"Y/N?" A groggy voice called out near you.

"Tony, go back to sleep. It's 3 am." You tell the sleepy billionaire. Tony sat up and pulled you close to him. He saw the tears in your eyes and your chest moving up and down at a fast pace.

"Hush," he rubbed your back with one hand and held the back of your neck in the other. "It was just a dream. Was it that thing? Of course. It wasn't your fault. It's going to be okay."

You nodded, understanding what he was saying. You loop your arms around his waist and squeeze tight. Your nightmares began to slip away as you hugged him. You felt your eyes begin to droop. Your breathe calmed and tears ceased.

"Let's go to sleep, yeah?"

You nod, and on this very rare occasion, Tony held you close. He messed with your hair until you could finally sleep again.


"Steve, no!" You yelled at him. His smile twisted your stomach. He twirled the knife in his hand effortlessly. You started to run backwards and turn around to face where you were going. As you continue to run, the floor sticks to the bottom of your shoes. It becomes harder for you to escape your murderous boyfriend. Of course, Steve runs at a fast pace, quickly catching up. He tackles you to the ground of the empty warehouse.

"You should have been expecting this."

As his knife is about plunge into your heart, your eyes shoot open.

You accidentally fell out of the bed, seeing Steve next to you. Thankfully your bedroom was carpeted, so the fall wasn't loud and you only hurt a bit. You lay face down in the carpet, trying to calm down. Steve will not kill you. He wouldn't hurt you, let alone straight up kill you.

You hear rustling, and someone sit up.


"Down here." You say.

Steve crossed the bed to see you face down on the carpet.

"Any reason why you are on the carpet?"

"Nightmare. You. Me. Murder. Accidentally fell." You tell him, sitting up and climbing back into bed. Steve moved from where he was so you could sit in your spot.

"I killed you?"

"Yeah. Then I woke up and instinctively got away from the guy trying to kill me. Now, I realize it was just a nightmare." You explain to Steve. He nods and grabs your hands. He kisses them and plays with your fingers.

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