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- because happiness isn't always consistent -


You were the queen of getting angry. People knew not to piss you off, and if they did, they knew to get out of the way. Usually, you'd rant and rave to Tony, telling him what's and yelling. To calm you down, he'd grab your shoulders and kiss you like no tomorrow. You'd usually forget why you were angry and kiss him back.


When someone would set you off, you'd go running. Steve would come home you icing your legs and have you tell him what's wrong. You'd easily spill everything while he rubbed your legs.


If you ever got angry, you'd write for days. Bruce knew to take care of your daughter because you needed time to let your anger out. Usually the things you wrote ended in dead characters...


Like handling fights with Thor, you would spare for hours. Physical activity was a great outlet. You'd punch and kick new warriors, a) to train them and b) get your built up anger out.


If your anger was high enough, you'd have a panic attack. You would work yourself up, then you realize your breathing gets heavy and you can't think straight. If Bucky wasn't available, you'd call your best friend Tony. He'd talk you out of the attack.


You were an easy person to anger. You wouldn't show it on the outside, but when you would show up to work the next day with bloody knuckles and dark bags under your eyes, they knew. You would stay up late and punch out your feelings. (With a punching bag, of course)

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