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( artist: burdge bug )


Fights weren't unusual between you two. Wether it be Tony drinking too much or you being moody and taking it out on Tony, fights were bound to happen. You could fight for hours and say nasty things, but by the end of the night, apologies were given and kisses were shared. Your mother told you to never go to sleep angry.


You two were not the one to pick fights, so when it came to fighting, it was a knock-down, drag-out fight. They usually occurred after Steve would volunteer for too many missions and you would get pissed. You two would spend a night in separate rooms. You usually took the couch because you'd fall asleep with the tv on and ice cream in hand. Though in the morning, you woke up in bed with breakfast on your nightstand and a note with a 3 paragraph apology.


Thank the heavens and stars (and New York cleaning crew) that you two were non-confrontational people. If there was something bothersome, you two would discuss it and act rationally. Neither of you could handle a Hulk appearance. The worst it had ever come to was Bruce going to the lab and you in the office so you could both calm down.


When it are to anger and fights, you two took it out on each other in training. You'd yell at each other and practice battle maneuvers. When people watched, they'd get concerned because it seemed unhealthy. Truthfully, it was very healthy. Problems got solved, practice was completed, and you two were genuinely happy with each other after.


Neither of you liked to fight, but they happened. If your anxiety level was high or Bucky was having an episode, you two would go round and round for hours. Eventually you'd break down and go sit in the closet, not being able to handle your emotions. After 30 minutes, Bucky would sit with you and you'd talk out whatever you two were fighting about.


While you two got angry, you never fought. You'd both agree to ignore each other, having a week of cold shoulders. Monday night to Friday morning was spent with quite hours and you two going about your business. By Friday, you two came together, talked about what was wrong, then made up for a weeks' worth of not talking.

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