favorite photo of you

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After arriving in Honolulu for an impromptu vacation, you and Tony agreed to go to a luau for dinner. You wanted to look nice, so you found some beautiful flowers to put in your hair. Not having Tony with you at that moment (he was going handle some business that had to be taken care of), so you took a picture and texted him, asking his opinion. He loved it and saved the picture, making it his phone wallpaper. You wore the flowers that night, and it made you even more beautiful in his opinion.


On the very rare occasion that you get home early or have a day off *glares at Fury*, you love to paint. You liked to put on some of Steve's swing music, then go to town on a blank canvas. With moving into a new apartment with a new husband can come with blank walls that need color. As a wedding gift to yourselves, you decided to take a picture of the both of you and paint a portrait. Because Steve was on a mission, you could take all night to paint it. After the long haul of painting the masterpiece, you let it dry. With that, you see your legs covered in paint. After laughing, you take a picture to commemorate the moment. When Steve came home, you showed him the picture of yourself, then pulled him into your room to see the portrait hanging over the bed. He later printed the picture of you and keeps it in his wallet.


Tony was known for extravagant parties, right? Well, tonight's party was formal and he insisted you and Bruce come. He even hired one of the best babysitters in New York and bought you and Bruce outfits. You both agreed, and spent the night chattering away with other people, but stuck close together. You weren't the happiest leaving your little butterfly at home, but you needed to socialize a little. After biding goodbyes to your friends, you and Bruce went home. You opened the door to the house, and heard a shriek of delight. Melanie ran to you and you quickly to her leave to give her a big hug. Bruce made sure to take a picture of his two girls. He spent the next week showing everyone and bragging about his family.


Midgard was graced with your presence again. You and Thor were called to business for a short while, then agreed to join the rest of the Avengers for a small vacation in Fiji. Bruce swore up and down it was the only place you could get authentic fish tacos. During the vacation, the boys did boy things while you, Natasha, and Maria pampered yourselves. With this came the girls telling you to cut your hair that went past your butt. You refused at first, but soon they wore you down and convinced you to chop it all off. You'd miss it, but it grows back, right? After going back to the beach house, Natasha told you to make a placid face so she could take a picture. Nat snapped the picture and sent it to the boys. Of course they showed Thor, and he freaked. But after 10 minutes, he loved it on you. By far his favorite picture (though you kicking Tony's ass is still a close second).


December really sucked sometimes. You were known to get terrible colds, and constantly have a runny nose. With this, Bucky loved to take care of you. He'd wrap you in blankets and make you soup like a good boyfriend would. During a particularly bad cold, you had spent time teaching Bucky to use social media and his super Stark phone. You were in the middle of warming your cold nose when you heard the click of a camera. Bucky's first Instagram post was you, sick and covering your face. You tried to make him take it down, but he refused, telling you it's his favorite picture of you.


It was his idea to bring you and Lucky the pizza dog to the lake. He seemed to forget you and Lucky both loved pizza and Clint. (How that slipped his mind, no one knows...) So instantly, the two of you bonded, and spent the entire weekend playing around. Hell, Lucky even took Clint's spot in bed! Clint spent the first night on the couch because you and Lucky cuddled together in bed. Though he was weirdly jealous, it was a great weekend with star gazing and hikes. The last day was heartbreaking for you and Lucky because he had to go back to Kate. You brought him out to the lake and you both sat there, enjoying the quiet. Clint came to the lake to see a picture perfect moment. He took a picture and gave it to you in a frame the next week.

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