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- not so much a breakup, but definitely a break -


You paced around the living room, the clocking reading 3am. This was the latest you'd seen him stay out without you. You bit your nails down to nubs and nothing was calming you down. You stopped in your tracks when you heard the door slam close. Tony stumbled in, tie loose and lipstick stains on his neck.

You didn't know whether to cry, slap him, or throw up.

"Hey babe." Tony slurred as he got closer to you. He put his hands on you're shoulders but you shook him off.

"Tony, you are late...and drunk." You say. He laughs you off before putting his hands on you again. You got angry and pushed his hands off.

"Really Tony. You need to go to sleep." You say. His giddy face turned to a sour one.

"God you're no fun. You know, Veronica definitely didn't complain about me tonight. Why can't you be like her?" He taunted, knowing it would piss you off.

"Well if Veronica loved it so much, you can go screw her. If that's what you really want." You whispered. Tears ran down your cheeks. Tony rolled his eyes and stumbled his way back out. Once he got out, you dropped to the floor in a fit of tears.

You cried for a while before picking yourself up and called Clint and his girlfriend, asking if you could bunk over for a while. They accepted you with open arms, tissues, and ice cream.


Days before a wedding sometimes causes a mass hysteria between a bride and groom. You were on edge and Steve kept stepping on your toes and bothering you about stupid things.

"Steve where is the paper for the flowers?! I've got to fax it in before Friday." You yell from the kitchen of your shared apartment. Boxes were piled high, seeing as you were moving into the new house the week after the wedding. You tossed papers around, yanked open desk drawers, and tore up the office room.

"Steve!" You called out again. You leave the office to go find him, and notice him outside on the phone. You open the back door quietly, not wanting to alert him you were there.

"But I'm getting married next week! I can't go!" Steve barked into the phone. There was audible yelling on the phone and Steve was fuming.

"Fine, but Y/N will not be happy about this." He answered before ending the call. He turned around to see you standing there. If it was a cartoon, fumes would be billowing out of your ears. Another mission...when you're supposed to be getting married?!

"Another mission?" You growled. Anger didn't even begin to describe how you felt.

"Y/N, I can't get ou-"

"Steve, just go on the mission. We won't get married and we will just cohabitate. I'd hate to let marriage and love get in the way of your precious mission." You said. You stormed into the house and locked yourself in your room. Steve would be staying at Bucky's until further notice.


you two breakup?

you cray.


Lately, all Thor could talk about was Sif.

"Sif did this." "Sif did that."

All he ever talked about was how great of a warrior she was and she was undefeatable. You'd try to redirect the conversation, but he'd got right back to her. It was making you question his love for you.

You had just finished cleaning off the day's dirt and began getting dressed for resting when Thor barged in.

"My lady Y/N! You just missed Sif behead a bilge snipe!" He said jovially. You huffed and continued to dress.

"What a shame." You muttered. You were in no mood to deal with this.

"Have I done something dear?" Thor asked, turning concerned.

"Shouldn't you be with Sif? You seem to kiss the ground she walks upon, so why spend time with your lowly maiden?" You snapped. Thor was such an idiot sometimes.

"I do not kiss the ground she walks on. I want to spend time with you." He told you.

"That's fantastic, but when we are together, all you do is talk about her. At first I thought I was jealous, but no! You really are always talking about her." You cross your arms and lean your weight to your right side.

"You are making such drastic accusations, Y/N." Thor was getting angry, and you were already there.

"But they are true." You tell him. He huffs and shakes his head.

"If you are going to act childish, you can leave." He tells you. Your eyes get wide and your arms drop to your side.

"Fine." You grad some Midgardian clothes, quickly change, and are out the room when you turn to Thor and tell him one last thing.


"I hope you two have a good fuck while I'm gone."

And gone you where.


While Bucky was out on a mission, you had spent time with Sam Wilson, aka the Falcon. He was a great guy, and kept the gnawing feeling of Bucky possibly dying out of your mind. You'd got out for coffee or he'd bring Chinese food and you'd watch football. He even brought over his girlfriend Felicity, and she was an absolute doll. When Bucky gets home, you're going to make sure they meet so you can all go on double dates.

Bucky had been home for two days when he came in on you taking a bubble bath. He looked pissed and you were confused.

"What's wrong Bucky?" You ask. Bucky looks at you and shakes his head.

"Why did you cheat on me?" He whispered. You were beyond lost.

"What are you talking about?" You ask. He laughs bitterly and begins to walk out.

You jump up and grab the towel near you. You wrap it around you and hurry after him.

"What do you mean Bucky?! I've been faithful." You say. He stops and turns to you.

"I know what you've done with Sam. Jana told me." He said before turning back around and heading to your shared room. That *****!

"She's lying. I've been hanging out with Sam AND his girlfriend Felicity! I have not been cheating." You calmly say. You felt a panic attack begin. This was going to hell quickly.

"Whatever. Just continue your whoring while I stay at Tony's." He packed a bag and left. You were left in just a towel and tears quickly building up. You went and sat in the open closet, trying to figure out what to do.


You had spent too much time alone again. Your thoughts where beating you down and you began to question whether Clint loved you or not.

Clint was currently on a mission when you were fed up with yourself. You packed a small bag and gathered small things. You'd come back for more later.

You put your bag by the door and go to the kitchen and leave him and note.

"Hi Clint.

I'm sorry to not be there when you come back. I love you, you know that right? I know you love me, really I do. The voices say otherwise. I can't get the thought out that you don't love me. I hope you'll forgive me for skipping out for a while. I need to think. 

Much love, Y/N"

You grabbed your keys and got in your car with your bag. You didn't know where to go, but you'd figure it out as you went.

- A/ N
heyyyyy. Sorry Clint's is so short, but it's midnight and I'm running out of nightly writing juice. Sorry.

Anyway, request please.

Olive -

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