you get injured

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- you get injured (including outfit of when you got injured, and also pics of the guys cause I think you guys deserve it after being so dayum sweet and commenting and voting and just being freaking cutie pies 😛😛) -


Tony, being Tony, decided to buy Disney world for a day a fly the team out to Florida. You were so excited. IT WAS DIDNEY WORL. You had spent so much time telling Tony you wanted to go with the group, so he finally made it happen. You packed a bag as quickly as possible and rushed the team to hurry. You were also the first on the Stark jet because you were that excited. You rambled the whole plane ride about riding Pirates of Caribbean 17 times and sat with Steve's girl who was just as excited as you. Once getting there, you left everyone in the dust. You stopped in a shop near buy and bought a Dole Whip so you could start this day right. Eventually you broke off, going by couples so you could spend alone time with your significant other. You and Tony went to Magic Kingdom and rode the Haunted Mansion. It was creepier with just you and Tony on the ride. After a few go rounds on different rides, you all met up and switch partners. You got with your bestie, Clint. He, of course, suggested Mine Train. Clint was a thrill seeker, so you agreed, but only if you got to go on the Winnie the Pooh ride after. He allowed it, so off you went to the ride. As you walked by the ride, you saw Rapunzel, your favorite character, walking back to her area. You hit Clint and told him to come with you then you could go to the ride. He agreed, and followed.

"PUNZIE!" You yelled, breaking out into a full sprint. She turned and smiled at you. Being so excited, you didn't notice the crack in the side walk. Your foot hit it with amazing force and you flew forward. You skidded forward, and felt your thighs and arms get ripped up. The girl playing Rapunzel gasped and quickly walked towards you, and so did Clint. You slowly pushed yourself up and stood. Everything hurt, and you were covered in blood.

"Crap, Y/N...we need to get you to a first aid station." Clint said, sweeping you up bridal style. He was careful not to touch anything.

"Let's get you to the front, and we'll get you patched up." The girl told you softly. You nodded and let Clint carry you, sad and injured. The girl, named Cassie, led you to a door that went backstage and to the offices and locker rooms. She found one of the medical personnel and brought you to the "nurse's office". Cassie stayed and so did Clint as the nice nurse put ointment and peroxide on your cuts. You cried and watched as they wrapped up your wounds. You were given a wheelchair seeing as you were in no state to walk. Cassie saw you and Clint out. You asked Cassie for a picture before you left so you could commemorate this...interesting event. She agreed and gave her best Rapunzel smile. Clint took the picture and you both thanked her before leaving to find Tony, who was with Bucky's girl.

"No more running Y/N..." Clint told you.

"I know.." You grumbled back. You were feeling tired and your arms ached like a muggleducker. Tony was in a panic by the time by the time you found him. He was sent a picture of you and Rapunzel and he flipped. Bucky's girl had to calm him down while standing in the middle of Cinderella's castle. When he saw you, he bent down and kissed your head. He immediately started to roll you to the exit but you stopped him. You weren't leaving until the fireworks that night. Since there was only a few hours until firework time, you sent Tony and Clint off, while you rolled around Main Street. You stopped in the sweet shop and got to talk to the sweets girls. They all asked if they could take a picture with you. You agreed and tried to look as happy as possible. They gave you some free sweets and chatted with you. They were such sweet hearts. (pun totally intended) Eventually, Wanda came to get you and she thanked the girls for keeping you company. You two made your way to the rest of the group who was chilling by Walt's statue. You watched the spectacular firework show, and you fell asleep while you were all leaving the park. Tony wasn't letting you back to Disney for a while...

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