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The chirping of birds welcomed a new fresh morning. The tiny dews covering the green leaves fell down on others making a faint pitter-patter.

A thin pink lips blew the hot coffee to make it a little cool, so that he could devour its bittersweet taste. The constant smile on his face grew more wider at the melodious jingling of her anklets. He looked up to find her all ready in her black and white barrister dress along with a leather cover file.

"Won't you go to court today?" She promptly took the finished cup from his hand and went inside to keep it.

"No, i will rest from now on. You are a Barrister now, your duty starts. You have to do the other half of work i had done"

"Not without you. We have done everything together." She said , again comming to their baranda.

"Oh, my Bondita is getting mature" he teased her as she grumpily looked away puffing her cheeks.

"I were always mature, only you are a kid" She said as Anirudh have already poked her cheeks.

"You were mature?" His voice laced with more tease this time.

His question made her remember those days of her teenage. What type of fiasco she have created and how they together win victory over those.

Now she felt like laughing at herself but at that time those hurted her the most.

(Ok if someone is getting confused lemme clear it. The prologue is the present they are living in and the story i will write will be of past when Bondita was 15)

So this the prologue of the new story from your new writer.
Hope that you liked it. If yes than paint the star orange and comment.
(Criticism is surely welcomed)

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