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Anirudh came to sleep after completing his works.
He was too tired that sleep took over him easily and he went to live in his beautiful dreamland.
The first thing he saw in his dream was his real dream.
He had seen Bondita descending down the stairs of law college as a barrister.
Her hands holding the degree rolled up and tied with a ribbon.
She wearing her long barrister coat and tie. And she having her graduation cap on her head as her crown.
Her lips having a confident smile and her head held at aloft in pride .
The next thing Anirudh had seen was his dead mother. Who have left them years ago.
It is humanly nature to have messed up dreams.
Same happened with Anirudh.
He had seen that his mother was coming to him opening the door of his room. Her face plastered with a beautiful smile and she clad in rich banarsee saree.
She came beside him and brushed her fingers in his hair making him feel her imaginary motherly affection.
She stood their for some time and tried to went away taking her hands off.
But he held them in the mid,firmly hugging it close to him and murmured in sleepy voice.
"Don't leave, please"
'Maa' remained unsaid in his throat.

Bondita who was busy in taking the coconut shell,looked up shocked at his words.
She gazed his face for some time and realised that he is asleep.
Maybe he is dreaming.
So, she tried to pull her hands from his grip, keeping the coco phone aside.
She was not able to.
Her trying to pull her hands made him to tighten his grip and hugged it more close.
"Please" He whined again with a adorable pout on his lips.
He was looking like a child asking for his favourite candy.
She waited for a little longer and tried
to read his face.
His face really described his words.
No matter about who ever he is dreaming now.
He wanted someone beside him.
He wanted a little company.
He was yearning for a little warmth,for a loving embrace.
And she have the power and right to give him all this.
Her mind said her to leave him and went to her room before he wakes up and comes to know about her arrival.
It said her to be selfish.
But her heart overpowered her brain.
Her heart stopped her from leaving him and made her to position herself comfortably on his bed.
She sat resting her back on the bedrest and puting his head carefully on her lap.
His hands still holding hers.
She used her free hand to skim her fingers through his messy hairs and massaged his head gently.
A serene smile appeared on his thin lips. In contentment.
After a little while she slid down and positioned herself beside him to sleep.
He felt a newfound warmth near him and slipped his body near her to feel it more.
He slowly wrapped his arms around her slender waist and rested his face on her soft bosson.

The moment his hot breath played with her sensetive skin. She felt her breath getting rugged and her cheeks burning.
She didn't understood why did it happened.
Why her body reacted like this?
She have experienced this type of feeling when she used to be so nervous.
Like when the result was about to declare.
But why she is feeling it right now.?!
But wait.!!
There is defference here.
That stupid smile on her lips which is making her cheeks pain.
She is feeling nervous but still happy.
Let it be in any other situation.
She would have gulped down bottles of water but now she felt good and didn't want to anywhere.
She felt that loud lub dub of her heart resonating in the silent room.
Hiting the four walls around.
His ears are right above her heart.
Could he also hear those heartbeats.?!
Maybe yes!!

The night darkened and the chillness grew more in the atmosphere.
Anirudh snuggled more in her and slept in happy contentment.
Bondita who had thought of counting her heartbeats to fall asleep.
Was in a deep slumber already without doing it.
This was the first time she was able to sleep without counting anything.
From the time she have came to the haveli as his bride and slept alone in her room.

They slept in each other arms in complete peace and harmony and didn't even woke up after the sun showed up.

_____________________________________ ____________________

The first ray of sunlight lit up Anirudh's room as the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky.

Somnath merrily entered the haveli will a excitement in him.
He greeted every body and shared the news of his first business deal.
His deal was accepted by the Britishers.
He looked all around the house to find his dada but he was nowhere to be seen.
He wanted to share this great news about his professional life with his dada.
Not getting his dada ,he looked for his baudi.
Next person he wanted to share the news with.
He didn't have any sibling sister but Bondita had fulfilled that void since she have came to the haveli as his baudi. And he have almost shared his every secret and achievements with her
But today she was also missing.
Noone knew where they are.
He have asked everybody except his kaka.
He would have asked his kaka about it as well but he was too busy in his morning prayer.
But today his kaka isn't using his conch shell and bell.
And that constant smile on his face felt wierd to Somnath.
Surely something happened in home behind him.

Shrugging of his thaughts he moved towards his dada's room.
Maybe he is still asleep so he wasn't seen anywhere.
When he reached near his room, he almost rushed and barged open the door in excitement as he said," Dada my........"
His words dried in his throat and nothing came out.

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