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Next morning Bondita was a little late in waking up as till late night she was reading that same novel Sharnalata had choosen for her.
After clearing all the misunderstandings of Anirudh, she have also convinced him to be not angry on batuk.
He went to his room to freshen up and sleep while she sneak into study to take a few novels to read.
As she is having her vacation and her course books are not bought yet, she can read read some novels in her free time.
She discovered last night that those novels were some how addictive. Once she started reading, she was not able to stop herself from turning pages and reading the whole book in a one go.
The story really fascinated her and she learnt a lesson that we shouldn't prejudice anything or anyone.

This can be harmful.

It was story so they met at last but real life doesn't work like that.


She heard her kakasasurji calling. She knew what he want.
His morning jaggery tea.
As she wake up late, the works were also late .She was still in the kitchen preparing different types of beverages for her family.

" Mallik ... Mallik....is there anyone?"

Trilochan gestured his beloved servent bihari to look who was at the door.
Bihari bowed his head in acceptance and moved towards the main door to find thier local postman to standing there with a stack of yellow blue post cards and letters.

" It there any letter for barrister babu?!!"

"No, there is a letter for choti malkin."

Bihari lips formed a 'o'as he again moved to call Bondita.
He is a servent of Roy Chowdhury's.
He is smart. He knew that when a letter arrive , the receiver have to sign.
So he went inside to call his choti malkin.

"Bahuraniji there's a letter for you."

Bondita was serving her kakasasurji his tea when bihari called her.

Trilochan gestured her to go and receive the letter., So,she went out getting his permission.

"Here choti malkin.!"
Post man pointed out the place for Bondita to sign.

"Kaka i have told you before as well. Call me Bondita beti"
She said with a beautiful smile playing on her lips and signed on the given place with the fountain pen.

The post man, which was designated as kaka by Bondita smile at her words. She have requested almost whole Tulsipur to call her by her name but noone dares to.
Who will dare to call there choti malkin by her name. On top of that the respect she get was not only for her being the wife of their barrister babu or daughter in law of Roy Chowdhury's rather she deserves it.

Everybody respects this beautiful young lady because of her humble and amiable nature.

He didn't replyed and went away after completing his desired duty.

Bondita walked slowly through the hallway with the letter playing between her fingers.

She looked at the cover. It was written ' To Bondita Roy Chowdhury' and nothing else. She was about to open the cover and read the letter but was called by her sasurji for his English tea.
She put the letter on the telephone table keeping a paper weight over it she went to kitchen to make his tea thinking of to read it later.


The dried leaves of the giant tree fell with a rythmic pace and touch the hair of the young maiden sitting there with her liberator.

He slowly put his hands on her hair and carefully untangled the dry leaf from her dark black knee length mane.

"Sharna are you comfortable here. In my home?"

Her innocuous devotion 🦋Where stories live. Discover now