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The evening cast long shadow on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. Anirudh drove back to his abode enjoying the shoothing sunset. He have a wide smile across his face in the happiness of his triumph over another kupratha.

"Very good, Bondita" Bondita confidently roll the pencil in her hand at the appreciation from her new teacher Som. Before Anirudh used to help her in her homework but now Som helps her because Anirudh became quite famous over the years,he nowadays used to get busy with his work.

"Bondita is your homework finished?"Som said as he found her keeping her books in a good order.

"Yes,now i will play with Batuk" She slowly headed out of the room with a motive to go to Batuk's room. She was about to open the door but stoped by the sound of his motor gadi.

Everyone gathered in the hallroom when Anirudh exclaimed.

"I am so happy today. Kaka Baba Bondita Som Batuk. Come have the sweets. There is a good news"

"What happen patibabu"

"Yes,what happen beta"

"Kaka.Bondita child marriage is banned, my.. my petition is accepted. I have worked on it since two years." Anirudh inched near his kaka and forward the sweets to his lips.

Child..marrige...banned . What does it mean ? Does it means that their marriage will also be broken. Will declared illigal. No she can't let it happen. But its true. She knows that their marriage is also a child marriage. The way her patibabu everytime says that she is a kid is the prove of her being a child. But why did he married her if he was against it? She never asked because she couldn't, he had done everything good for her. He had given her the wings of education. Care, respect everything. Him marring her was might be for her betterment only.

Bondita straightly looked down on her alta laden feets. Her eyes pooled with tears because of the tornado of thoughts inside her small brain.
She couldn't hold on her tears anymore she could hear her patibabu calling but she didn't respond. She ran , ran away from her questions, ran away from her patibabu before losing her sanity.

Anirudh could have ran behind her. But he didn't because he knew that she is not small Bondita anymore, she is a grown up teenager. She needs some time alone. He cannot invade her privacy.


The pale cresent moon shone like silvery claw in the night sky as Anirudh sat on his study table surffing through the case file he have received this morning.

A knock and he look up to find a vague figure through the translucent glass of his study door.
So  atlast Bondita have came to say him about her problem. Why  she ran away.

He moved forward with his eyes on the file and opened the door.

"Come, come inside Bondita"

"No, not Bondita"

Sorry for the short update. Will try to give you a long update.
(Don't panick there will be no marrige annulation.)
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