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Anirudh hoped down from his car reaching the haveli.

His life had gotten upside down just in a night.

He felt a familiar pang in his ailing heart and and a unfading darkness in front of his. His feets stumbled as if all the strength of his was drained.

Everything seems useless to him right the moment as he didn't have the most important person of his life with him.

He climbed up the stairs of the porch when his eyes fell on few charcoal lying beside the starting point of the stairs.
Maybe bihari had made a small bonfire.

The reference of the charcoal immediately pulled him back to one of those beautiful moments he had spent with her......

Anirudh sat inside his study doing some important works after giving homeworks to the two teenagers of his family.

He got so busy that he forgot to spare glances on the naughty devar, baudi cum best friends.

After a while he heard the shimming of her anklets as he looked up to find her right beside him. She was standing next to his study chair. She was looking at him as if she have lost it but when he snapped his fingers infront of her she trembled and looked at him quite nervous

With the strictness of a teacher but with a sweet and caring voice of a husband he was asking her about her homework and her reason for standing there like a cute owl.

"Bondita what are you...."

His words were immediately silenced as she had put her palm on his lips gesturing him to be silent but he didn't get it.

She herself moved closer to his ears and said in a hushed voice as her lips almost gazed his ears.

"Shhh, patibabu..come with me, let me show you something!!"

He felt a sudden jolt of electricity ran past him at her innocent seduction. The burning of his ears and face didn't went unnoticed by him.

He have noticed that her proximity had started affecting him since few days.

Still he very expertly hid the not so innocent thoughts in his mind and smiled at her.
She was also smilling mischievously as she pointed towards the sleeping Batuk on his designated desk. He was facing the door of the study.
Oh, so choti zamindar had again fallen asleep on his evening classes.
Why won't he? The all playing is so exhausting for him.

He felt that he was walking towards him as bondita had held his hands pulling him.
Soon they reached near Batuk to look at him clearly and the next moment the extremely controlling Anirudh along with bondita broke out into fits of unadulterated laughter.

Batuk had super realistic mustach above his lips made of charcoal and two large black dots on his forehead and flaring nose tip.
And no wonder that everything was done my his mischievous little wife.

His laughter gradually turned into a silent cry as he had got back to the cruel reality. The reality without her.
He have lost her. The precious of his life. His reason to live.

The thin tread of hope is slowly burning to be vanish because he had not gotten any information about her even after finding her whole night.

The last ray of hope he could see is Bondita's dugga maa. He prayed durga maa.
He just want her to see that smiling pristine face of her or a little more. He want to held her in his arms so tight that she will be always with him.
He was always against the idea of caging someone but right now he himself want to bind his lost wife in him.

He heard Saudamani calling his name as he saw her running towards him out of her home.
She reached in front of him grasping for some oxygen and said with worry written all over her face.
"Animesh said Bondita... Bondita is with him in his home but how and when...?"

The moment Saudamani had said him about Bondita's whereabouts, he felt like a caged bird being uncaged. His happiness knew no bound so without saying anything to Saudamani,he reached Animesh's mension to held his Bondita close to himself and never let her go again.

He won't even ask her any question. He just want her and nothing else because everything seems useless without her.

She is the reason which made him feel his existence.

He quickly wiped away all the wetness away from his face and brushed his hairs backwards with his fingers to compose himself. He doesn't want her to be sad to see his condition.

He could feel her and he knew how his devastation affects her.
He collected all the reminiscences of his broken self.

With a great mental preparation he slowly pushed open the door of the room in which she was according to Animesh.

The door made a creek sound as he found her sitting on the edge of the bed with her face to the other side.

He swiftly reached near her as he stood behind her.


He noticed her trembling but she didn't reacted nor she had looked behind to answer him.
He called her again as he thought that she was in trauma after that almost accident.

"Bondita.. it is me. Your birristara babu!"

Still not getting any response he moved forward and tried to place his hands on her shoulder but was stopped when she showed her palm to stop.

He didn't understood anything but this broke his slightly healing heart.
Was he in a nightmare?
His Bondita never did that.

He pinched himself to contemplate that was it a nightmare or not but the pinch that he felt by the next course of words from her lips had finally hammered his weakness and he withered emotionally in a sudden pain.

"Don't touch and go away from me!!"

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