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"Just one more!! Please!"

Bondita ran behind Anirudh with a plate of food in her hands as he was busy packing his files and belongings.

"I am getting late Bondita!!"
Its common for him to get late but today was Sunday. Today he received a emergency call to reach court immediately and now he is refusing to have his food.
Food is necessary for good health, her kakasasurji have told her.

"Just one more!!" She forwarded a morsal of food towards his mouth while he reluctantly gulped down.
Food from her hands is always double tasty for him but today he is not getting time to relish it.
Whenever she feeds him, she feels like his mother and he enjoys her care.

After taking all the important documents and files he went out of the study but not before hugging her and promising her to return back soon to have the grand feast arranged by trilochan for her result.
Binoy would also have arrange a english party if he was there in the haveli but he was not. He went to Kolkata for some work.

"Choose one yourself!! Whatever you like!!"
Bondita had spread out all her sarees on her bed while Sharnalata was sitting on the bed along with her.
They are selecting sarees for night feast and Sharnalata was having a hard time.
From the Sharnalata have came to roy choudhury mansion Bondita have done a little changes in her or we can say in the societal norms.
She has made Sharnalata wear coloured clothes and do shringaar.

"This one!!"
Sharnalata selected a maron colour saree and looked towards Bondita with a heavy heart.
She is being cheated by her husband.
Whom she thinks to be her god.
What she will do now.
She was failure in almost every attempt.
Last night when she told everything to batuk. He didn't believed her rather he was angry on her and they had fight.

"What happened Sharnalata?! You are thinking something?!!"

Bondita came closer to her as she held her hands. She was afraid if her kakasasurji was something bad to her or the villagers.
She have heard from koile that the villagers are making useless talks about her and putting fingers on her character.
They will receive punishment.
Very soon.
How cheap their thinking is.

"Bondita i want to say something to you!!" Sharnalata started making her fears grew more stronger and her anger reaching the peak but still she choosed to stay silent and listen to her.
She geatured to continue.

"Bondita....your pati...babu....have a affair with a another women....i have even seen her....she..."
Before she could complete and get a tight slap from Bondita., Bondita started laughing.

"I am not joking!! I am serious"

"Haha...ha..ha..i am also serious!!"
She finally stopped her laugh and looked at innocent Sharnalata.
How stupid she is. She thinks that her patibabu have a affair with another lady.
She surely have seen his shadow as his girlfriend.
Or maybe its because of her thoughts.
She was grown up in a family and a society where the women or wifes are only betrayed and harrassed.
She have never seen or met a good men with values and was too young to understand her husband.
Batuk had said Bondita about her husband. A teenager with true values.
Who died in an epidemic at the age of 15.
Even at such a young age he was one who had saved his wife Sharnalata from being burnt alive and being bald.
It was his last wish to see her alive and he also wanted Sharnalata to get married to someone else and lead a happy life on growing up.

" There's nothing like this Sharnalata!!"
She slowly pulled out the expensive box of makeup gifted by her pari didi and made Sharnalata sit comfortably on the small bench kept in front from the dressing mirror.

"Let me adorn you today!!! Some by makeup and whole by knowledge." She started her makeup along with telling and explaining about all heinous customs and its cure.


Later in the evening everyone gathered in the haveli for the feast.
Anirudh also returned from court and greeted all the guests.

Sharnalata clad in the beautiful saree and perfect makeup came downstairs and started helping Bondita in serving people while keeping eyes on Batuk.
She was finding a chance to talk to him as he was ignoring her since morning. Maybe he is still made at her so he is not even calling her.
This time she looked towards his eyes to caught him looking back at her.
He was talking with his friends but his eyes were on her.

Bondita noticed this eye game and felt suspicious but soon shrugged off the thought and started enjoying.

"Sharna, listen!!"
Batuk tugged on to her elbow and pulled her to a side with less people on getting the golden chance.
She gave him a angry look showing pseudo anger and tried to went away but he again held her hands and pulled her closer to him. Her hands resting on his ches while his on her waist. He quickly understood their position and pulled his hands away from her waist even before she could contemplate something.

He looked at her with those puppy and held his ears. He have seen his brother doing this and this works perfectly on his baudi.
Sharnalata will also forgive him by this technique. Maybe!!

His mouth fell open listening to her words.
Did she forgot about last night?!
The way he behaved with her.
It was quite rude.
Yes it was true that she have told few unacceptable things about his elder brother, still she didn't deserves that behaviour.
Every girl deserve respect and love.
And she deserves a little more.

" Ummm I forgot about last night but i don't forget one thing and that is i told truth!!"
She said as if she could read his mind.
Even after Bondita have taught her so much about good people and their nature, she still is reluctant to accept that Anirudh is innocent.
Batuk looked at her and again she was going back to the same thing.
He just want to forget it.
She just had some misunderstanding and thought like this.
His brother can never do anything like this with his baudi.
He have to make it clear to Sharna.
Its very important.

"I will make it clear Sharna!!" He created a safe distance between them and made her sit comfortably on one of the low stool kept there.
He will clear all the misunderstandings of her about Anirudh.

Her innocuous devotion 🦋Where stories live. Discover now