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Anirudh sat on his study table fidgeting with the dark blue fountain pain. His mind roaming around the thoughts and memories from the evening event.

'The way Bondita's lips touched his was exquisite.' His heart screams this but his brain and principles clearly said everything to be wrong.
It orders his heart to forget all this and accept that everything was just a action forced by her hormones and teenage fleeting feelings.

His thoughts were interrupted by the clinking noise of the metal foundation pen touching the ground on falling down from his hands.
He bend down and tried to find the pen and his fell on a white of paper.
After examining it he realised that it was the paper which Bondita had in her hands on entering the study this evening.

He slowly opened the paper and discovered that it is a letter.
A letter.
A happy and excited Bondita.
But why did she forget about this letter.?!
Her teenage is surely hitting her hard.

"Knock knock"

Before he could read the letter and get to know about her excitement there was knock on the study door.
He looked to find a vague figure of a lady standing outside.

This he wouldn't do mistake. She was Saudamani.

He almost forgot that today she had her date with Animesh.
Maybe she is coming to him to share her experience and feeling about Animesh.
Indeed friends are to share all the thoughts with.


The morning sun slowly showed up on the blue sky as bondita came of her room drapped in her expensive saree.
She straight went to study to find her letter.
Last night she forgot about it but this morning when she woke up she remembered about it and again is supper excited to share it with her patibabu.

She felt a tug on her arm at the entrance of the study as someone pulled her back even before she could enter into the study.
She looked behind to find Sharnalata standing there with a worried expression all over her face.

Sharnalata had dropped her plan of going inside the study and exposing Anirudh last night as she was afraid of them. They could do anything if they are having a secret affair.
They could even kill her to keep it a secret.
And now she will say everything to Bondita.
About her husband.

" What!!"

"I have something to say to you.!" She said comming closer to her ear..." Listen carefully"

Bondita didn't understood her antics and continued to listen to her thinking it to be a some type of game.

" Last night i have seen a lady going inside the study and were husband was there.!!"
Sharnalata didn't have time to bit around the bush.

A lady.
What she is trying to say. Its confusing.

" Your patibabu have a secret ..."

Bondita quickly looked towards the study door from where her patibabu called her name.
He was running towards her in his night dress and have a paper in his hands and a flashing smile across hus lips.
He came forward and swiftly picked her up from the ground and twirled around.

" You cracked the scholarship examination, Bondita!!"
She nodded in agreement as their eyes became wet in extreme happiness.
Sharnalata forgotten.

" We did it! !"
Everytime she received this scholarship but still everytime they celebrate it as the first time.
They have so much of money and have no need of such scholarship but the reason she always appear on the exam is to use the prize money for her school.
The school having the students of all age group. Girls, old people and even the boys of lower cast not getting the opportunity to study.
Kaka had requested her to accept his sponser but she refused and started the school with her own money.
She always says that it gives happiness to us on helping others by your own efforts.

" Now put me down!!"
She said as she noticed that Anirudh was lost somewhere. He slowly put her down on the ground and hugged her to him tightly radiating warmth.
He had fallen asleep on the study last night after talking with Saudamini for a long time and didn't read the letter but when he read this morning he couldn't stop himself from running around and announcing about Bondita's achievement to whole Tulsipur.

Sharnalata's anger rised to the top as she found Anirudh expressing fake adoration for Bondita.
How cunning he is!!
He have fun in night with another women and with Bondita in day.

She wanted to say everything loud to all the people who think him to be a role model and a good person.
The truth of him is that he is a double faced person.

She went away not getting any chance to talk to Bondita.

" The dwarfs put her on a coffin and kept it in the forest after decorating it beautifully.!!"
Batuk read out the English book of snow white and explained it to Sharnalata.
He slowly looked up after not getting any response and found her bitting her nails and thinking something deeply.

" What happened, Sharna!?!"

She looked at him and her mind drifted to the bad works done by his brother. They look a little similar and thats the reason she want to beat up batuk badly.

"Nothing!! You continue!"

" Then a prince was riding across the forest and found the dead corpse of snow white!!"
He completed another sentence and looked up and she geatured him to continue.

" The prince found her so beautiful and fall in love with her!! He bend forward and ki......"

" Continue! !"

"She became alive!!"
He skipped the kissing part as he felt extremely embarassed to say it infront of her and finished the story.
She looked at him confusingly and asked about the missing part by frowing her eyebrows.

" Why you look soo tensed sharna?!"
He tried to change the topic and he succeeded. He noticed that she again get back to her initial state being lost in contemplating something.

" Your brother......

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