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The night is deep,the silvery moon is dotted with dark night sky, the naughty star are twinkling and winking around.

In the beautiful silence of the dimly lit room, two souls are entrapped in the enchantment of their sparkling dreamy eyes.

"I have something to ask"

Coming out of the whatever trance it was ,Anirudh sighed in relief.
So she haven't realised his stupid act.
He thanked god  thousands times for saving him this time . But what about the next time?
No, he will never let something happen like this again.

Being busy in his own thoughts and regrets, he missed on thing. The tinge of scarlet on her whitish cheeks.

After crying for hours Bondita had felt tired. She made herself fresh and  just closed her eyes to take some rest. She was taking a small nap when Anirudh entered her room.

Her light sleep broke at the feeling of somthing cold on her forehead. She sniffed a little and that is when she realised. Anirudh was in her room right above her face, giving a peck on her forehead. She smelled his fragrance.
Even in her drowsy state and eyes closed she sensed the wide grin on his face.
She wanted to see, see the cute and unadventured  side of him.
So she opened her eyes and there he became the same Anirudh again.
She tried to read his face.
He had sweat all over his face as if he was afraid.
His pupils were moving in a nervous gaze.
She tried to gawk at his pink lips, which was on her skin few moments ago but no.
He stood up and was all ready to escape from her.
Shee didn't let him go. How could he go before giving answers to her questions.?
She swiftly tugged at his wrist and pulled him to looked towards her.

When the words left her lips Anirudh looked behind . He reluctantly sat on her bed and tried hard to act normal but he failed measurably
He couldn't ran away when she have something to ask.
Her questions.
Her inquisitive nature is one of thing he liked the most in her.

"Will our marriage be declared illegal?"
She mumbled inaudibly as her mind had already get back to those former questions ignoring present scenario and happenings.


"Means you said Child marriage band..." He could sense some sorrow in her voice but he didn't understood why.

"Yes Bondita today's day was so eventful because child marriage is finally declared illegal" He himself come forward and shared this news with a beautiful smile on his face.
She always uses to be double happy when he wins a case or something. But why she is sad today.

"Bondita i have bought 8 handi's of kolkata's ek badam bale roshogolla for you  to celebrate."

It was true that she felt a little craving on hearing about roshogolla but she ignored.
How could she celebrate? Celebrate her distance from her patibabu, from her family. Celebrate her broken marriage.
She couldn't keep mum anymore she have to make everything clear. Although she was sure that thier marriage will break but still she had a thin hope.
She prejudiced the situation.

"Will our marriage be declared illegal because of this child marriage act?" She closed her eyes and finally said out in one breath.

After some time she slightly opened her eyes to find a confused Anirudh.
She mistook his expression as nervousness and  continued again trying to give him a justification.

"But child marriage is not bad for me. It is a boon. Because of this marriage i got you and a loving family. My best friend and a caring brother." She considered her marriage to be a boon even before knowing about the truth. The truth which Anirudh never wanted her to know, but how can he change the destiny. Destiny doesn't listen to anyone.

" Bondita who said you all this?" He really didn't expected her to take the things this way. She doesn't even know about the law clearly.

" Noone need to say me. I am old enough to know all this. I have heard you talking to to some people in your study." She doesn't wanted to bit around the bush. So she told directly with a litte frown on her face.

Now he understood that she had this misunderstanding from long ago. How much she went through.
He felt bad for her.
She must have thought that she have to went away from them.

"Did you have heard the whole discussion?" Yes, it was true that she have not heard the whole discussion.


"So listen my little Bondita. This act will not break the marriages which are already happened. .. rather it will stop the further marriages. And the correct age for marriage is 18 for boys and 14 for girls. It means we two are legally married." It was always easy for them to solve every problem., Every misunderstanding...

She understood. She felt light and free of tension. The fear and worry of leaving her family has been vanished and mixed with air.
The weight above her heart is melted away.

" I am not little" She quickly came to her own self. Her adorable self. Showing pseudo anger.

A chuckle left Anirudh's lips at her innocence. How fast she changed from a sad Bondita to angry Bondita. Her teenage mood swings.

Anirudh carefully burst her puffed cheeks which looks like she have kept two roshogolla in  there,right under her cheeks.

Roshogolla. Anirudh quickly remembered about her special roshogolla and went away to bring it.

She looked at his disappearing figure with a wry look on her face.
Where did he went away?
Maybe he went to sleep. But without saying good night.

She was lost in thinking about the possibilities when Anirudh returned
back to her room.

He slowly opened the cloth wrapped around the handi and moved forward.

The alluring fragrance of the roshogolla quickly perceive inside her nostrils as she leaked her lower lip. She looked towards Anirudh with  gleaming eyes and lodge her hands in the handi to get her favourite roshogolla.
Her love.

Tonight they filled their stomach
with the 8 handi's of ek badam bale roshogollae.

The night fell deep and everyone went to live in their dreamy world, making themselves ready and strong to face the real world next morning. The world which have thousands of
complications lurking around.

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