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The exquisite blanket of white crystals twinkled on the starry sky as two souls sat under the canopy formed by the small amla tree on the huge garden of roy choudhury mansion.

The dry fallen leaves creating a nice carpet for them to rest and lose their eyes in the beauty of night sky.

After the feast was over, Bondita requested Anirudh to come with her to the garden and spend some time with her. Its been a long since they have talked their heart out.

"What's about the future!!"
Future. Their future.
Her cheeks took a deep pink hue unknown to herself as her mind drifted into the thoughts of their beautiful future.
But isn't it too odd for her adamant husband to talk about their future.

"Future in the sense!!"
She decided make it clear.

"The school! What will happen to the school once you left for London.!!"
His tone held melancholy. This school was her dream. She have established it and that small school of just three students turned out to be a school of twenty students now just because of her hard work. She is hard working. Even in such a young age.
Going to the doors of every other house in Tulsipur to gain insult and embarrassment was her sacrifices for this school.

When he mentioned about london, the first thought that came across her mind was the emotions of pain of leaving her family. Not just the roy choudhury family but the whole Tulsipur.
And her mother.
How will her mother survive with her living in a distant country.
The dream of becoming barrister babu will come at a cost of all this.

Anirudh slowly looked towards Bondita, who was sitting beside him.
Her cheeks glistening with moisture of her salty tears absorbing the bright moonlight.
He quickly wiped away those tears as he pulled her head above his chest, soothing her black open locks with his hands.

"Hey, why are crying?! Its important to lose something to get something big!!"
He questioned and gave the answer himself while she nodded her head rubbing her flowing nose on his shirt.
He chuckled.

"I think we should give the authority of the school to Batuk and Sharnalata. I believe that they will be able take this responsibility.!!"
She said in her quavering voice.

" Ummm. By the way i heard something. Bondita's stomach is growling. Is there a big elephant in her stomach,!!"
He said with a small laugh to lighten up the moment.
But still his statement held truth. Her stomach was really growling and that hunger.
Its one more dark truth of this society.
All the guest and the males will have the food together while the women of the family will be the last one to have it.
Bondita didn't follow any rule of this society and questions. She is a free bird but still she some how accepts this rules of being a daughter in law.

"Yes i am hungry. Ain't you!!"
She knew that he haven't had his food. He always waits for her.
And they have their food together.
The way that she serve everybody and eats in the last is a trick to spend some more time with him alone. Without any disturbance.
She loves to share each and every thing with her patibabu.
She tells him everything. From the news of a pencil tip breaking to the story of her male friends' broken relationship.


Two strong hands pulled her towards a room with a great force as she felt a pain on her wrist. She was about to shout but was soon to be stopped by those familiar palms.

"Its me Sharna!!"
Batuk removed his palms from her lips and she noticed that she was in his room.

The reason Batuk had pulled her like this is that she had  ran away from him in the evening when he was about to clear all her misunderstandings.
But now she can't. He have even locked his doors. There's no way for her to ran away.

"Listen Sharna!! There's nothing like you are thinking!!"
He firmly pinned her to the wall and said in a whisper yell.

She isn't going to fall in the same oblivion as bondita and Batuk. They are believing Anirudh Roy Chowdhury blindly as he have created a false image of being a gentleman.
Its not rational.

"The girl you are talking about is Saudamini didi...Yes its true that dada used to love her or he thought so years ago but now they are just friends. JUST friends.!!"
After contemplating Sharna's accusations on his dada about witnessing a lady entering his study that night, he understood who she could be. And also he knew it crystal clear that his brother didn't have any relationship with her right now.
His brother is interested just in his baudi.
And no one else.

" A boy and girl can never be just friends!!"
She had put up her point looking straight into his deep brown orbs.

"Aren't we friends. You are a girl and i am a boy?!"

"Its different!!"

"Huh! Its different. HOW?!"
He understood that he was walking on a thin ice. They have never talked about their actual relation.
Today its a nice opportunity for him to know her thoughts about their relationship.

"Its its...cause they used to be lovers. What if their old feelings are getting its lives again!!"
She very smartly changed the topic and get back to the original topic of there discussion.

Batuk freed her hands and moved towards his bed to sit down with his head wrapped by his palms while his elbows rested on his knees.

Sharnalata inched towards him and put her hands on his shoulder.
This made him look at her with a start.

"Batuk!! I don't know you believe or not but Bondita is really in danger. She didn't deserves betrayal!!  "

"Oh god!! This girl!!"
It is almost impossible to make her understand. She have taken a wrong notion and not going to listen to him.
He have to use his other techniques.

He gauged at her face before getting up and making her sit on the bed in a swift moment while he stood wrapping his arms around his chest.

"I am sure. You are a tight nut to crack. So listen!!"
He leaned above her face taking support of the bed stand by  one of his hands while his other hand found its refuge behind her head, between her her hairs and said quite darkly,
"You are not going to do anything. ANYTHING!!
Did you get it. You better do! Otherwise..."


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