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Bondita had reached near his study to find the study door slightly open.
It felt like not only her patibabu was there but also someone else. So she went near and peeked in through the door to find her patibabu standing with a smile and opposite to him stood her parididi.
She noticed that pari didi had sat down on the floor with a knee and forwarded a ring towards her patibabu and said..

"I love you...will you marry me?!"

Bondita's face quickly held a shocked expression as she looked towards her patibabu, expecting a complete denial but she have witnessed something else.
Anirudh slowly took the ring from her with a chuckle and nodded his head still laughing lightly.

The scenerio in front had made Bondita's lips tremble and her large doe shaped eyes gathering abundance of salty water. She tried shaking herself to make sure that it was just a nightmare but it was not.
It was reality.
Salty shreds of extreme pain rushed out of her orbs to make her vision blurry just like her thinking.
Her mind gone frenzy and she swiftly went away from there careful enough to not make any sound from her anklets.
Her feets have dragged her to the large Roy Chowdhury bari outside exactly the same place where they were sitting that night and was talking so cheerfully.

She dropped down to the green grasses and pulled the end of her saree to cover her mouth. She wanted to cry out loud but not to say the reason to anyone so she have suppressed the voice from coming out.
She was about to say about her feelings today. Confess.
And she have expected that her patibabu will also reciprocate the same but it was not like that.
Nothing happened according to the plan rather someone..no..no her parididi have done that before her and he have accepted.
How could he?!
If he loved Soudamini and wanted to many then why he have acted so good to her. Why have he made her feel loved.

She had seen the villagers marrying two wives but she have never thought that her patibabu would that. She have clearly read in books and observed that polygamy is a devastating custom. It destroys three lives, precisely the life of the first wife.
She didn't want to live as someone's left wife. No matter whomsoever he is , even if her patibabu.
Yes she loved him and still does but this is not accepted.
She have seen that Anirudh was smiling that means he was happy with this and for his happiness she can do anything.

Slowly she stood up taking support of the huge tree beside and looked straight at black Star less sky for an answer.
"What should I do??...huh...ANSWER ME!!
She whisper yelled at the almighty black canvas to draw an answer their but it had ignored.
The nature is also not in her fever today.
Should she ran away from all this ?!
Yes , maybe she should.
It will be the best option.
She will went away from his life forever and will never return back.
Slowly everyone will forget and lead a happy life.

There are sometimes when human brain stops working properly in the flow of ardent emotions. It hides the real you and makes all the rationale thinking weak.
This happened with Bondita as well. The person whom she have trusted the most has felt fake to her , not listening to her actual senses.

She harshly wiped away the wetness all over her face and looked at the gate determined before gushing out of the huge iron gate like a breeze.

She walked ahead tearing apart the dense darkness prevailed on the rood. As it was already dark all the villagers have went inside their house and there was eer silence with few sounds of talking from the dimly lit small houses.

Her cheeks had again turned wet out of newly formed tears but who cares.
After moving for almost like a twenty minutes which felt like ages to her, she heard a honk from a car.
The second honk made her look up to find two glowing headlights in the darkness was heading towards her. It was so near, was about hit her when she shut her eyes tight covering it with her hands and screamed in the fear of dying.

"Kaka did you have seen Bondita?!"

Anirudh asked being worried as he found his kaka doing his evening aarti alone today. He wasn't in the mood to talking with his Kaka but he didn't have any other option.

"No, beta. I think she is in her room taking some rest as today she have done much work by preparing so many aachaar."
He smiled and said to his nephew happy about the fact that he have talked with him. No matter what ever happens his children will always respect and love him.

Today Trilochan Roy Chowdhury have also not disturbed her beloved bahu's sleep to do aarti as he knew that she is tried because of her all day household chores and the morning banters.

"No kaka! She isn't in her room.".
Anirudh have been finding her from sometime just after Soudamini left but she was nowhere to be found.
He wanted to give her the prepared surprise but she is only not present.
Where she have went away.?!
What if someone have kidna....
No, it can't be!!
Anirudh's forehead started gaining few worry lines as his minds drifted to bad thoughts. His eyes grew a little wet but he managed to keep the composer. It was when koile came inside the haveli with worn out face.

"Koile did Bondita went to market or someone's home?!!"
Anirudh have already sent koile to find Bondita in the neighbors not being able to find her in home.

"No, Chote Mallik she isn't there.. i have have searched everywhere in the neighbor.!!"

"What!? This girl!"
He said under his breath and was about to go out to find her himself when bihari came running with his car key and stopped him to give him the keys.
Bihari was really worried for bahuraniji so he have given him the keys to make him find her quickly.

Trilochan sank down on his sofa while koile stood beside wiping her already wet cheeks with her plan white end of her saree.
Bondita's kakasasurji looked towards the idol of maa Durga kept inside the pujaghar and murmured an inaudible prayer.
" Durgaa Maa, Bless my children"


Its been sometimes since Anirudh was driving and searching Bondita but there was no sign of her.
His eyes eyes had grew red out of continuous flowing of tears as the cold breeze touched his face cooling it a little.
Where you have gone Bondita?!
Please come back!! I want to see you. Just once please!!
His mind repeated the same lines in loop when he noticed a lady standing in a distance. The bottom of her saree was glowing because of the light from the headlights. He tried to stopped the car when she was just metre away while she covered her face with her hands and screamed........

Sorry i am not good at tragedy! Tried first time...

Ok so...
Guess, guess!!
What going to happen next!!

In the last chapter Ilakiyaraj123 and AniditaRoychowdhary got closer in guessing.

Vote and comment if you liked the chapter as they motivates me.

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