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"More than anything"

"Age has nothing to do with maturity!"people says but ironically age do matter." He said leaving a sigh.

"You are growing up.. growing up to be a strong moderate lady and you are grown up enough to know few things....few events. Unexpected events!"up enough to know few things....few events. Unexpected events!"

Childhood is the most beautiful period of life. It is the period of innocence. It is the purest period. A child do not understand that there is a wide gap between appearence and reality.
Anirudh have always wanted to save that child within Bondita. He wanted to save that serene smile of her lips, himself hiding a ocean ful of words to say to her.
He have hidden the truth of him being a criminal!
Yes! He had done crime. According to him it was a crime. It was something against his morals and principles.

Bondita kept gawking at him fathoming the sudden pain inflicted in his voice as he continued.

"I want you to know the truth and .. answer rationally."


"Shh!" Placing a finger on her lips he gestured her to be silent.

The crimson hue across the sky getting darker along with her fluffy soft cheeks. A gush of air playing with her dark mane teasingly letting a hair tendril fall on her glowing face.

Anirudh immediately retracted imagining the consequences of the moment and focused instead on his words. He have to be as soft as he could and carefull but not subtle.
She won't be behind the curtains anymore.

"Bondita, it was your wedding day" Our she wanted to correct "and i was....i was a guest on my friend Sourav's marriage. I was enjoying and that was when i saw a men, a old men almost of your grandpa's age or even more ...i was happy that even at that age he had thought of marriage but when...when i have seen his to....". Anirudh's voice choked not letting him complete but he was determined. Taking a breath he resumed.." to be wife. I was shocked and disgust filled inside me. I still remember how that little girl like a small tender flower bud was being carried by four men, she unaware of every injustice and cruelty against her. Drugged she was!"

An unconscious young bride. Who she could be? And how her patibabu be a guest in her wedding day ?
Confusing everything was for her.

"I tried, tried to stop that meaningless marriage...i have even thought of threatening them with a gun but before i could do that..he died!"
His eyes felt dreamy and nostalgic as remembered his conversation with those police men. How they have said about his motherland.
Hope he could have met them again then he would have introduce Bondita to them. Let them know that.." change is the constant!"

"That bastard died during the vows...i thought everything was okay so i left but somewhere in my heart i knew that that girl with the face holding so much innocence was not safe. I returned, returned back at my heart's plea find what shook me to the core." I returned, returned back at my heart's plea find what shook me to the core." I returned, returned back at my heart's plea find what shook me to the core." I returned, returned back at my heart's plea find what shook me to the core."

A fear of losing something was evident in his eyes as he looked towards a distant seashores. Praying thousand times to Goddess dugga.
"I had seen that same girl again carried by men but not to the wedding plateform but to her husband pire. They wanted to burn her alive. They...they wanted to kill her"

He felt a disgust rising up his system as he again continued with sarcastic smirk.

"Huh, that marriage wasn't even complete!"

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