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Kaka merrily said the good news to Bondita as he imagined a same scenario in his haveli.
He as the grandfather of his beta and bahu's first child.
His first grandchild.

He was so happy and elated by the news of his friend becoming grandfather whose bahu is friend of his bahu but the thing that made him reach the seventh heaven was the information he received from bihari and koeli.

Last night Bihari said him that he had seen Bondita going towards Anirudh's room and in the morning koeli didn't founded Bondita on her room.

When he had joined the dots feeling clever of himself, he was sure that Anirudh and Bondita slept together last night in Anirudh's room.

Nothing mattered for him.
Not what happened behind the closed doors. His conservative and regressive thoughts makes out only one meaning of two person alone in a room together.
Physical intimacy.
And the thing that mattered him was the result of that Physical intimacy.
A baby.


A stone jumped thrice before drowning in the swallow water surface of the river.
Bondita quickly put one more stone in her palm and threw it with a perfect aim on the water to drown with the same fate as others.

"It will be better if you return to home...,.. i think she will be late today."

"No, i will meet her today!!" Her hands reached for another pebble while she said adamantly to her oddly behaving brother in law.

When Batuk was leaving to meet Sharnalata, she caught him and came with him to meet her.
She wanted to know her and understand her. So that she could do something for her without the help of her patibabu.
She is also going to become a barrister like him.

"But baudi..." Her angry glare quickly made him quite . He shooked  his head sideways with a accepting look and looked at the direction, from where Sharnalata was supposed to come.

"Batuk.....bat...batuk" Same girl she have seen that day, swaddled in white saree was seen by Bondita again. She was huffing and trying to grasp some oxygen.

Batuk Swiftly turned his head to other side and found Sharnalata standing with a tired expression on her face.

"What happen? Why are you so tired?"
He moved towards her worriedly and helped her to sit on the bank of river carefully.
Bondita looked at him suspiciously.

"Nothing.. just sasuma gave me some work to do and so i was late. But i finally made an excuse..."

"You shouldn't have to run like this. I was waiting and will wait.  Forever."

Bondita felt herself getting invisible as she found Batuk and Sharnalata lost in their own world.

"Uhmm, uhmm"

Batuk slowly looked behind realising that Bondita was with him as well.
While Sharnalata looked puzzled at Bondita.

"Um...uh.... Sharna she is Bondita and Bondita she is sharna..."

"You are Sharnalata.... Nice to meet you...." The moment she was confirmed that she is Sharnalata. Bondita didn't wait any longer to jumped in front of her and greet her.

"Yes..ur i am .....and you are Bondita. I have heard about you from Batuk." She have heard about her but never thought her to be like this.
So childish. Jumping around.
She is not lady like.
Wife of great barrister of Tulsipur is like this.
It was hard to believe.


"Don't touch......he will be angry,..."
Batuk was always scared of his dada's wrath and today his friend is exploring hid study carelessly without taking his permission. And above that his baudi was also permitting her to touch all the things kept there.

"No problem you can touch..... Batuk is just overreacting." Bondita came closer to him and gave him a nice pinch indicating him to behave nicely.
You shouldn't stop your guests from doing anything.
Its not a good manner.
Her mom and her patibabu had taught her all this good manners.
Which batuk lacked.

It was true that she didn't want anyone to enter in his study but Sharnalata's inocent request to know new things and find some books melted her and she gave her the permission.

After a good introduction and chit chatting for some time Batuk Bondita and Sharnalata came to haveli.
At first Sharnalata refused saying about her in laws but Bondita convinced her and took all the responsibility upon herself.
She will make them learn a good lesson if they create problems in Sharnalata's life .
Even Batuk refused to take Sharnalata to home as he didn't wanted his secret to break out in front of his dada.
But agreed listening to Bondita's intelligent argue.
Anirudh was in court and he will return home late so there was no problem.

When they entered the haveli. They met a smiling Trilochan standing with his golden edge can.
Bondita thought that she would have a hard time convincing her kakasasurji about a widow entering his home but it was not so.
He agreed quickly without any argue when she introduced Sharnalata as her friend visiting her home.

Kaka was in a good mood today.

"These are different types of novels, right Bondita.?!"
Bondita gave a forced smile reached near the shelf where the section of nobles were kept separately.
The section which she herself had not explored yet.
Once when she was small she tried to take a book from there but her patibabu refused saying that she will get to read all this once she is grown up enough.
After that she never dared to ask him about those books.

"Can i take one?" She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even realise when Sharnalata took out few books from the shelf and started skimming through the yellowish pages.

"Um..um you can take one." No you can't. Her possesive nature for his books made her to think like that.
She wanted to read all books before her but she can't do anything right now.
Her good manners.

"Batuk see how beautiful this painting is!!"
Sharnalata exclaimed as she looked all around to find that Batuk was not present.

When did he went away.?!
Maybe he was scared of his dada so he ran away.
But she isn't scared of anyone.
She have heard about barrister babu.
Everyone is scared of him.
She didn't understand what to fear about a person.
The hell she have gone through and the humiliation she always faces is nothing in front of any fear.

Bondita clearly understood Batuk's
She is the only person that is save from her patibabu's wrath but others faces it hard.
Batuk was one of those who was hell scared of him.

"Bondita take this... I have heard.. this is a nice book. You can read it ...because you know English."Sharnalata forwarded a book with a beautiful cover towards Bondita as her voice held some sadness.

Bondita looked at her for sometime and felt very bad for.
Sharnalata's eyes clearly speaks her urge to learn new language and be a famous writer.
And Bondita's determined courage promised to provide her the best.
It was amply clear that Anirudh has formed a perfect piece of art named Bondita.

She forwarded her hands and took the book from Sharnalata.
She slowly looked at the cover and read the name of the book.
"Pride and prejudice"

"How did you knew that it is a nice book ? You said you don't know English."

"The cover. I am very expert in remembering the covers of books. And this book was with my brother in law and he said me about it."


"Bondita.... Bondita..." Bondita looked up with a start on hearing the familiar voice.

Hey guys,

What did you think about Sharnalata?
And what about the end of the chapter. Who is calling Bondita?

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