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"Don't touch me, go away!!"

Bondita said quite rudely, keeping a heavy stone of pain in her fragile heart.
She tried sounding emotionless as much as possible but failed miserably.

Animesh had already informed her about Anirudh's arrival but she didn't reacted to his words neither asked about how he knew Anirudh.
She had thought of again running away from him without facing the actual situation but that was when her conscince knocked in.
'You should give him a chance!' Her conscience suggested.
She have accepted the idea partially as she waited on the same room without leaving.
She won't give him a chance. Not at all.
She just waited for her self peace. She understands that a good confrontation is necessary to live peacefully. She can't live with thousands of questions looming around her small head.

"Hey Bondita its me, Your birristara babu!"
Anirudh had felt a sharp string of thread cutting the same old wound again and salt is being sprinkled on it. He felt breathless at her words still he have composed himself and said again.

His shaking hands slowly approached to touch her shoulder to comfort her but before he could do that, he has heard her saying as if she could feel him.
"I said you to not touch me!!"
His touch will surely make her weak and she didn't want to be.

He have slowly restraint his hands from doing that as he can't touch anyone in anyway without there permission. Not even his Bondita.

Bondita is maybe angry for not coming to her early.
Maybe her face have that adorable blown up cheeks with a disappointed look in her eyes.
Anirudh smiled remembering how he used to poke her blown cheeks.

"Bondita listen! Sorry!"
"Sorry for not coming to you soon but believe me i tried my best to find you the whole night. Thanks to dugga maa that Animesh got you."
Anirudh went on with his musings with a satisfied smile that he had finally found his Bondita.

'Why on the earth did he have to find her when he already love someone and wants to marry her' a drop of salty shred fell on her own palm and she held on to the bedsheet with a tight fist in uncontrollable angst as the thought roamed around her awfully crazy mind.

"Bondita i can't explain how i felt amd i want to say you that i..."
Not getting any response Anirudh continued to say what he has realised last night but stopped immediately when Bondita stood up turning around towards him and brought her index finger to her own lips indicating him to be silent.

Her eyes were swollen and red, her hairs disheveled.

"Shh,. Today only i will speak and you will listen."
His sweet talks had the courage to melt her a little but no. She can't fall weak cause its not something so small. Its about three lives.

She will be strong and get all the answers of her questions before leaving him forever.

"I have so many questions!"
The sarcastic smile on her lips described the irony of the term questions in their life.

Their relationship started with her silly but heavy questions and again it was going to end with some bloody painful questions.

"What is the matter Bondita.... You are acting different!!"
Her each and every seemed confusing to him as he gaped at her behaviour, which was contrasting with her usual character.
Slowly and steadily he is getting introduced to the shadowed side of her.

"Ohhh, Barrister Babu what about my behavior.. let it go.. i am just a chit of girl for you!!"

The sarcastic smile kept lingering on her red lips.

Did she addressed him as barrister babu.
She have never done that.
He knew that with the growing age she have learnt the correct pronunciation but..
He didn't like her calling him like that. him like that.

She suddenly reached for the chair beside the table their and swiftly turned it to sit. Her right leg went above the left as she shooted dragger through her intense gaze on his face.

The only motive behind doing all these was to make herself look strong and confident and to save her from breaking down in front of him.
She very well knew that she would have fallen down on her knees and have cried endlessly, if she would stand there for few more moments.

"Ummm ..so..why you did that?"
Her hand are wrapped around her chest commandingly as she said without breaking her constant stare.

"What wha..i.. really didn't..get it"

"Oh please don't act to be innocent!!"
Her voice seemed super casual but her insides were churning with the unsaid emotions of angst .but her insides are churning with the unsaid emotions of angst .

Saudamani reached the scene followed by Animesh as they heard Bondita's accusations on Anirudh.

Bondita looked at her pari didi for a moment as a painful chuckle left her lips.
She again locked her orbs in his exhausted ones, going on with her racking words.

"Cause i know you are not.... I have..i have seen you in the study last night wi."
She stopped to skillfully wipe away a lone tear escaping the boundary of her eyes as she felt the numerous stabs of her own cruel words.
Never in her wildest dreams that she would be accusing him but she did.
She realised that, life is a novel filled with unexpected events written by destiny.

She stormed up from the chair towards Anirudh to held his collar in a tight grasp, she stood on her toes to reach closer his facial features as she looked into those tired eyes.
No she can't read anything.
How expert he is in lying..
"Why! Why!!"
The frustrated suppressed shout of her left her vocal revibrating through the walls of the room as she shaked his numb body to get her answers, but instead she stumbled upon herself.
Anirudh quickly held onto her waist, preventing her from falling. He didn't get anything about the meaning of her words.

But the person who understood the reference of Bondita's words was Saudamani. Her mind was calm so it was easy for her to add two and two unlike Anirudh.

"Bondita, i will give you the answers!"

Her innocuous devotion 🦋Where stories live. Discover now