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"The girl you are asking about is Sharnalata"
Batuk said with a sigh and moved towards the open window of his room, looking at blazing moon through the parted curtain.
Bondita became quite serious and listened to him attentively.

"I met her three months ago... when she came in front of my cycle and met with a small accident......i helped her with first aid and became friends. Our meets became quite frequent and i got to know from her that.....she is a widow..
A forced widow.....she was tagged as a widow at the age of six and still having it till the age of fourteen....i even got to know that she has a dream.. dream of becoming a writer....just the way her dead father was...she had lost her parents when she was so a firing of British police."
He said about her cruel story as his eyes pooled with thousand of unshed tears. He didn't bother about those threatening tears and continued .. ...
"Her story pained me alot and i decided to help her by fulfilling her dream...i taught her to read and write..but everything was not that smooth...her in laws started doubting on her for being away from home for longer time in we decided to meet just for two minutes in the morning and afternoon. In the morning i give her homework and she returned it in the afternoon after completing it."

Batuk finally let go of his tears as he shut his eyes tight,his lips leaving a sad sigh.
He looked behind to find Bondita in the same state as his. Her cheeks wet with her tears and her hands making a ball of the lose end of her saree.

Bondita felt that girls helplessness.
Her sorrow.
Her dreams.
Most importantly her life.
She knew what type of life her mother lives.
And imagining that life for a girl younger than her,
Pained her miserably.
She will surely do something for that innocent girl.
She will talk about it with her patibabu.

"Did i have done something wrong baudi?" Bondita's stupor broke at Batuk's call.
She looked at him proudly.

"No,not at all. You are absolutely right and i am proud of you."
Yes she is.
She is proud of him.
She has always witnessed a funny and lazy Batuk. A big foddie.
But today he is defferent .
His thoughts.
His ideas.
Everything are mature.
He is going in the same path as his dada.
He is helping a girl.
Instead of teasing her around like the other boys do.
Of his age.

"I would love to help you in this matter."
"Let me talk to your dada. He will be super proud of you."
Bondita genuinely advised and wiped her cheeks and under eyes.
She was about to move out of the room, towards his lighted study but was stopped by Batuk.

"Please don't say anything to him."
He almost begged in front of her to keep the secret to herself.
Not to disclose it to her patibabu.
His elder brother.

Bondita looked at him confused and said."Why Batuk? You have not did anything wrong."

"Actually i want to help her on my own...i knew dada will be very happy after knowing about it....but"

Bondita quickly snapped up to know the real reason behind.
She understood that he wanted to do it on his own but she also knew that there is an another reason.

"Dada will be not only happy but also angry. .....From childhood i have noticed that he takes impalsive decision, when he is angry. ....And i don't want anything impalsive in this matter..."
He still remember the day when his dada had married his baudi impalsively.
His motive was right... but.
His decision was wrong.
He was saved because of his destiny.
The girl he married was a perfect girl for him.
What if the consequences were something different?
What if that led his life in a different way?
What would have happened to their family.
Not only this, he have taken so many impalsive decision in his life.

Her innocuous devotion 🦋Where stories live. Discover now