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"She was with me Dida!!"

A young man in his late twenties appeared from behind of Saudamani in a white linen shirt and a black tuxedo. His hands holding her's reassuringly.

Dida looked at him puzzled and fumed in extreme anger at the fact of Soudamini with a man this late.
While the charming lad smiled and recalled the moment he first time had seen Saudamani with this old lady.
Her dida.
He first time had witnessed this angelic beauty whose hands he is holding now on visiting his friend and personal barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdhury.
He had felt an unknown attraction towards her at the first sight so he firmly decided to meet her and know about her.

Anirudh helped him a lot in this. Anirudh had fixed their meeting at a ball arranged in his own mansion.

Today was that day when Saudamani had reached the venue and met him. They had talked, laughed and even danced together. She was beauty with brain. He liked this pretty lady's sweet and compassionate behaviour.
It was not even a hour since she arrived and she started to leave the ball giving excuses but soon he stopped her asked her the reason. She hesitated first to stay a little bit but he had successfully convinced her.
After some time he himself proposed her to drop her and she accepted.

"What is your name.?!"
Dada again asked holding the string of holy beads in a thight grip.

" Animesh Chakraborty!!"

The young business man of Tulsipur.

" What are you doing with my granddaughter?!!"

"I have accompanied her to here.!!"


" Choti malik..... Choti malik..."

Bondita's lips brushed over his slightly his parted ones, writting the golden memory of their first kiss in book of life with love.

It was when they heard a loud bihari calling for his chote mallik.
Anirudh got back his lost strength and almost pushed Bondita away and sat with start. Bondita fall slowly near the green sofa because of his ever gentle push and hid behind it while Anirudh stood up straight from the sitting position.

"Yes bi..bihari wha..what happened?!"

He was having a hard time saying some simple words as he found bihari standing in the threshold of the study.

His breath was rugged and his hands found refuge on his forehead wiping those sweat beads.

" Did you have seen choti malkin?!"
Asked bihari unaware of the presence of Bondita in the study as she was still hid behind the sea green leather sofa.
She was still in shock and shook by the recent events. Everything was unbelievable.
But still she thought that she have done a mistake and she have to ask for forgiveness.
She shouldn't have mad him uncomfortable by fulfilling her most crazy fantasy.

"No..no..." He slowly glanced down at lost Bondita and again said, " i haven't seen her.... I...think ..i think she is in her room."

Bihari believed his words and moved away from the study to Bondita's room. Anirudh sighed in relief and sat down on the floor again facing Bondita.
He himself didn't understood why he felt relief on bihari's departure.

The moment the tension of Bihari was gone his mind started registering the former incidents.

He looked at Bondita wide eye and again closed it quickly.

Bondita's saree was sticking to her body because of the damp skin after bath and highlighting her curves.
Anirudh could really not see any girl like this without her permission.
Not even his small wife.
This is against his principles.

He hastily removed his overcoat on the night dress and wrapped it around her securely. Eyes still closed.

"Thank you...and ....so..sorry"

It was meagre and faint. Her hands clasping the woolen coat firmly.

He asked quickly not getting the reason of her sorry but didn't opened his eyes.

"Open your..eyes"
She noticed that he was not opening his eyes even after hiding nicely so she herself asked him to.

After getting her permission Anirudh decently opened his eyes to find a shievering Bondita.
Why she is shievering?
Maybe because of the chill.



He still didn't find any reason for the sorry.

"Sorry for....jum.. jumping on you..."

"You were excited!!"
She was so excited and happy to say him somthing.


Oh, so was sorry for her kisses but there's nothing to feel sorry.
Yes, it is true that he never wanted anything like this between them as their relationship was completely platonic but right now everything happened because of the heat of the moment and nothing else.
She haven't done anything wrong.
She shouldn't feel guilty.
Rather he was in mistake. He should have gathered the power to push Bondita away a little before to save themselves from this awkward moment.

"My...mo..mom had ki..kissed me on..my face...bu..but..never...o..on.lips.
I..knew.... everything..i..is so...dis... disgusting. I ma...de your li..lips dirty."

Anirudh's chain of thoughts were broken by a vigorously crying Bondita and taking hiccups between her words clutching the leather of the sofa in a tight hold that her nails scratched it a little.
She looked so innocent and fragile.
He swiftly wiped those tears paining her along with him and pulled her in into a warm embrace.
No matter what they will always find peace in eachother's arms.

"There's nothing disgusting Bondita."

He have to make the things clear. She is having a completely wrong notion.
He only have to do it. After all he is her sikshak babu.


The fell dense as everyone left to sleep in their respective rooms after having a happy dinner time.

Bondita pulled out another novel and fell on her bed leisurely to read it.
She remembered the moments in the study and pink appeared on her cheeks.

At first she had mistoken about all the incidents and thought that she had made his lips dirty by fulfilling her some weird dreams but when he made her understand that everything is normal.
People kiss in their lips as well.
To show adoration.
She felt light and her guilt disappeared.
And he also said that she was growing so she felt the need to kiss him.

Sharnalata came out of her designated room holding a candle in her right hand and a copper jug in her left.
She was going to kitchen to get some water for the night. Its her habbit to drink water in night.

She was passing by the hallway when she noticed that the study was lit and a vague figure going inside study and disappearing.
She heard the sound of anklets and that is when she realised everything.
Barrister babu is cheating on her favourite Bondita didi.

From the very beginning she had a doubt on him.
She have always seen wifes being suppressed and abused but it was not same with Bondita.
This spoilt son of reach zamindar is cheating on his wife.
He is not like Batuk.
How two brothers can be this different.
North pole and south pole.

She will surely do something to break out his secret and bring his real face infront of everyone.
She can't let her Bondita didi being cheated.

Hi guys,

Let me tell you that till now Bondita had read only novels not having any romantic scenes.
So she didn't know about kiss.

What about Animesh Chakraborty?

Who is the person in Anirudh's study this late?

What Sharnalata is going to do?

Please upvote the chapter and give your precious reviews.
My hands are itching to write the further chapters as this book is coming to its climax.


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