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Bondita pulled her legs up hiding it inside her saree as she felt the sunrays from the new dawn tickling.
She opened her eyes to witness that she was on the cold floor and the room is is completely different. Its beautifully decorated but not it was not her room neither her patibabu's.
Where she is then?
She sat up straight with a start as she stared outside the slightly blowing white flimsy curtain.
The sun has not rose up fully, its quite early in the morning.

Her eyes roamed all around the well maintained room, the bed with fluffy comforters, the dressing mirror with different shringar, almirah and the small table with a teapoy.
Her eyes had found its way to a photo frame kept on the dressing mirror. There was a girl sitting on a chair with a man standing beside her on that black and white vague photograph.
The man on that photo felt quite familiar to her and that was when her brain started thinking properly after getting up. That was same man who have bought her to his home, so that means she was in his home.
She didn't remember when she fell asleep last night, she just remembered herself waiting for an opportunity to flew away but the gaurds didn't allowed her to.
Did anything wrong happened to her?
Did that man have....?

When her mind was busy contemplating the fear of being touched improperly by an unknown man, she felt the coldness of the tiled floor on her back . She pulled her knees up and hugged it to herself. She leaned on the wall beside her as her mind drifted back to the memory of the time her patibabu had taught her about good touch and bad touch.
Patibabu... A scarcastic laugh left her lips, mocking her own mind.

The same patibabu who have betrayed her ...huh.
She hid her face by keeping her head on her folded knees as her open curles slid in front.
The painful memories of former events of last night flooded inside her mind stabing her fragile her as she shooked violently at the overpowering emotions of angst and agony. Her dried up cheeks got wet again with those salty shreds of bunched up emotions.

'No... Don't cry Bondita. Don't cry for a person who didn't respect you and your love.'
She heard her own conscince advising her to stop crying as she jet back with her respective answer, shutting up her damn conscince .
'I will cry, because strong people cry, become broken and rise up like a pheonix rising from ashes.
And don't say anything about him, only i have the right to rebuke him'

She again sunk back to the melancholic memories as all the things echoed in her mind causing a unbearable anxiety and her heart bled....

"I love you... will you marry me!"

" Don't be so happy about it. I have heard and read that this love also gives you immense pain"

"I love you will you marry!"

A loud scream left her lips as her hands caught hold of a copper jar kept beside and she thew it on the opposite wall causing a large clinking noise of the metal.
Anirudh is wrong. He is wrong to even think about marrying someone else. Yes she respects him but that doesn't mean that she will comply to his all the decision.
She have seen many women living as her husband's first wife and witness an another women with him everyday but she is not like that.
This isn't acceptable for her.

She heard sounds of several boots hitting the ground, getting closer to the close door of the room and then the door opened inviting four gaurds who were sulking around the house.

After few moments she saw the same man coming the inside through her tangled hairs falling on her face.

He reached infront of her sat down on the floor adjusting his pants a little.

"Hey, girl. Myself Animesh and its my home. I will request you to behave!!"

Animesh looked at her expecting a reaction but she didn't reacted and stayed still. So he said again..

"Listen this is my sisters room and she is so precious to me so don't destroy her things. You got it!!"
Animesh looked at the photo holding his adopted sister who got married few months ago.

‌She still didn't responded breaking all the boundary of his controlled anger.
He looked at her furiously and yelled
"You insane psychopath! I have saved you and now you are ignoring me."

"HOW DARE YOU?" Bondita's voice was above his as she shot her head up revealing her face to him since they have met.

Animesh was taken aback by her identity as he moved back a little and looked at her eyes fearfully. Her eyes are immitting fire and why wouldn't they.
She is the famous feisty wife of Barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdhury. First girl to visit school in Tulsipur.
Mrs Bondita Anirudh Roy Chowdhury. Daughter in law of Roy Chowdhury's.

"Oh my god you are...you are.. Anirudh's wife!!"

A sudden fear crept up in him because of behaving this to his wife.

He have frequently went to the haveli to have meetings with Anirudh but he have never met his wife. As she used to be in her work or in her school but he surely have seen her, in the large photo frame on Anirudh's study.
He have heard about her as well. Some goods and some bads.
But how was she in the middle of the road that late??
How she reached there. Anirudh is surely finding her.

Really sorry for short update.

Sorry if i have hurt anyone's feeling by Bondita's pov but i believe that if Bondita wouldn't know how to be an individual, she will never be able to love Anirudh fully as well.

I don't want to keep you in a illusion that i will update soon so i am saying honestly that i will be on hiatus till 23rd of February.
I promise that i will return on 24th and give you regular updates.

Love you all my lovely readers. Keep smiling.

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