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When Bondita jumped on Anirudh without any prior notice made him stumble back a little but soon he composed himself and held her small frame to him making her feets dangle down.
It was not so tough for him to pick her up as she is so small.

It was a matter of split seconds that he realised the wetness wrapping around his neck with her soft hands and the dampy bare skin of her shoulders under his hands.
He looked down to know the reason behind the wetness to witness her black dark tangled traces wrapped around his neck and her bare shoulders without a sheath of clothing.

Bondita tightened her arms around him trying to be inside him because of extreme happiness.

"I am sooo happy patibabu!!"

Anirudh understand her excitement but not the reason. He felt his ears getting hot and his breathing uneven. As he felt her brewing softness sheathed by just a layer of flimsy cotton saree on his chest.
He tried to untangled her from him and put her down on the ground again asking the reason of her happiness in a slow whisper, almost inaudible.,


Bondita didn't let him to keep her down instead tried hard to climb on him by keeping her small feet on his thigh.
Her unexpected force and power made unprepared Anirudh to stumble back and fell down on the tiled floor of his favorite study.

Their hold tightened around each other in the anticipation of falling down and get hurt.
Anirudh fell down with Bondita on top of him. He had held Bondita protectively to save her.
While Bondita had put her palms on back of his head to save him from breaking his head.
This all were out of instinct.
They have a sixth sence to know each others safety.

Bondita winced in pain as her knuckles of her hands under his head touched the ground with a little force.

"What happen Bondita?.!"
This was the caring Anirudh who cannot withstand a simple scratch on her body. He quickly tried to detach her look at him but was stopped by the her hairs around his neck.

"Shh, nothing.!!"

She knew he was panicking to the core on hearing her wince and could do anything to bring her out of her pain.
He is her savior.
Her Rakshak babu.
But right now she didn't want her Rakshak babu rather she want her patibabu and shikshak babu to give the great news.

Anirudh stopped at her words and stayed in the same position.
And that was the moment he discovered a thing which have remained unnoticed by him till now.
Her fragrance.
The elegant fusion of her english shampoo with the sacred inscence stick and ghee making her smell like a goddess descending down from the heaven above.
Her whitish skin and the dressing is adding more to the aura around.

When she finally untangled her hairs and looked at his face to say, she found a Anirudh lost in smell of her devine fragrance with his eyes closed.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked into her doe shaped eyes to make her words cought in her throat with his dark brown enchanting orbs.

He was looking at her the same way he had looked last night.

Her tiny hairs falling above his face was making it a little difficult for her to get the full view of his face but his eyes visible between her hairs is what enough to make her feel different things.

She felt tingles all over her body at his whatever gaze.
Her lips tingled so much to be above his just like last night.
To feel his parted red thin lips.

When Anirudh felt the void of warmth he opened his eyes to witness the most beautiful sight in front of him. He saw Bondita gawking at him whose face was adorned with simplicity and her forehead painted in the colour of red.
His red.
Her hairs were falling on his face blocking his view so he slowly tucked her hairs behind her ear and gave her and himself the full excess to each other countenance.
He was so lost in adoring her and felt the same way he felt last night.

Bondita slowly leaned forward forgetting about the letter and immense happiness.

Anirudh quickly closed his eyes feeling her moving forward nearing his face. He wanted to stand up and ran away.
Away to to... wherever.
But somthing was holding him back.
He was getting weak.
After a split second he felt her lips on his forehead with a feathery touch causing him to shiever at the instance.
Her lips trailed down to his nose giving him another peck at the tip of his nose and then at his warm rosy cheeks.
He felt himself so weak that he would have fell down if he was not on the floor already.

Bondita again looked at him after showering kisses and making her one of those fantasies real.
Her eyes this time stopped at his lips and she moved forward to give him a peck there this time.
The thing that she felt crazy and disgusting last night is now the most correct and important thing for her.
She slowly came forward as her lips were just above his..


"Why you were late today mini?!"

Asked a extremely infuriated dida to a beautifully decked up Saudamani in her white gown standing on the threshold of their mansion.

It was almost 6:00 pm and her granddaughter is returning home now. This was unacceptable by a old lady having different thoughts.

Mini frequently go to roy choudhury mansion at night but today she was not there rather was on some ball. With some unknown English people.

"Where were you and with whom?!"

She asked again in a little angry voice this time not getting any response from Saudamani.

" She was with me dida.!!"

Hi guys,

I know It was a short chapter but still i wanted to give this to you as a new year gift.

So there are few questions in this chapter.
First, what is written in the letter?( There's a hint in the chap)

What do you think? They kissed or not?!

And last one, who was the person with mini?!

Did you liked the chapter? If yes than paint the star orange.
Don't forget to comment.
(Critisism is surely welcomed)

A very Happy New year to all of you.
May you all get everything you desire.

I love you all my readers.❤️

- Manalee.

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