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The morning sun shone bright across the east welcoming the everyday hustle bustle in the village of Tulsipur.

Anirudh was ready for his court was just arranging the important papers for today's case, a small case not much serious when he heard his telephone ringing.
He reached near the telephone of his study room on the third ring.

"Hello, this is Barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdhury" He received the call being sure that it was a call from the client of today's case.

" Barrister babu!! How are you Mr."
Why the voice felt so familiar?
Its not the client because his client will never speak to him in this tone.

"May i ask you who is calling, please?"
He asked cordially.

"Bhaijan, Your forgot me or are you faking this?!"
Came the answer from the other side not in much straight but still it was enough for Anirudh to know the person instantly.

Exclaimed Anirudh enthusiastically as a breeze of extreme happiness blew past him.

"Yes, Bhaijan!! How are you?"

" I am fine! But you haven't called for last three months and even your number didn't connected. What happened Salim!! "

"Well, I got blessed with a baby daughter three  month ago and my wife condition was critical."

Anirudh felt his friends grief as she remembered Salim saying how much he loves his wife.

"Is everything alright!!" He couldn't hold on to the urge of asking about his wife as his respect for every women everytime comes first.

"By god's grace everything is alright. Mom and baby is well and healthy!!"
He sighed in relief.

" By the how is your life going. How is bhabijan and other family members!!"

" Everyone's alright and my life, its as usual!!" He chuckled a little on his own statement.

"Bhijan, what you have thought about the future!!"
It is the most common question of Salim!
Anirudh remembered himself saying everything about Saudamini, his marriage with Bondita and even that Bondita is his responsibilty.

"Salim, i forget to say one thing. Bondita will soon be studying in London!!"
He felt proud as he thought that he had successfully diverted the topic from his future. He is happy with his present.

He have also hidden the fact that Bondita had already got the admission. This morning he have received the letter.
He wanted to give this news to Bondita first with a surprise tonight.

" Soon she will be away from you!!"
This sentence pained him a lot still he had sence that tone of concern in his voice.

" No i would be living with her in London."

"She is just your responsibility!!"
Salim's mockery didn't went unnoticed by him. He felt ashamed of not acting on his conscience. He did not wanted to say about him living with her like that but it had slipped of his lips even without his knowledge.

"Listen Anirudh, i know that bhabijan is good, intelligent and witty but she is also young. A teenager to be precise.
Don't you remember your dids when you were of her age. What if she finds someone..."

"I will let...he..her go!
Evey word uttered from his lips felt like a stab on his heart. That unknown pain of letting her go aways from him. Forever.
'She is his responsibility' his mind repeated as if to make him strong for the future possibilities but still doesn't responsibility have a soft corner in everyone's heart.
All this years living with her, she have  become someone important. Her leaving him will surely pain him, it is nothing more than that.


Anirudh swiftly looked towards the open study door as he found som standing there with a red file in his hands.

"Oh Som come in!!" He indicated som to sit on the sofa and then cut the call saying " I will talk to you later Salim, goodbye!"

He moved towards the opposite sofa in front of som and made himself comfortable.

"Dada actually I want a sign from you! Baba isn't there in home soo...!"

Some had already opened the yellow strings of the file and pulled out a pen from his shirt pocket.

"Oh ok!"
Anirudh had a smile on his face as he signed the papers by taking the pen from his hand.

Som looked at his with a disappointed in his eyes. His brother was his inspiration always but now what he have got to from his kaka had made him feel very bad.
That day after witnessing his baudi in his Dada's room he had thought that they were getting free with each. Taking slow steps in their blooming relationship but it was not.
When he asked about it to his kaka, he received the answer that he was soon going become kaka of his dada's children. He loved Bondita. He didn't have a sister so he have always accepted her to be own sister and tried to protect her.
He was bewildered and angry. He wanted to shout out loud on his beloved brother but something stopped he.
He realised that he can't say anything between husband and wife. Its their personal matter.


"Huh" Som finally came back to the reality on listening to his brother and started collecting the papers nervously.
He was about to head out of the room when he again heard his brother's voice.

" Is there anything that bothering you som?!"

Som looked behind and quickly sat on the same sofa he was sitting a few moments ago.
As he is asking, he have to say it. He can't be coward.

"Dada do you think its the right time?!"

"What right time Som!!" Anirudh was confused.

"To start your ...your...ma.. marital relationship?!" He finally said it. He felt his heart getting light as the weight of not taking stand for his sister is slowly is going away.

"What do you want to mean. I didn't get it!!"
His marital life. What actually he is saying. His brother is really acting weird.

"Dada don't act to be innocent!! Kaka had said me that you have consummated you marriage with baudi and destroyed her career and life. I have never expected this from you.
How could you?!"
Som pitched slowly get higher as he stood up on his feet looked straight at his brother confused eyes.
He noticed the changed expression of Anirudh and the next moment a huge smashing sound as he had rushed out of the and thrashed a proclaim showpiece on the floor. The showpiece had kissed the ground and broke into thousands of pieces. The sound resonating all across the haveli.
His kaka will never change!!


I am sooo late. Sorry.

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