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Its been sometimes since Anirudh was driving and searching Bondita but there was no sign of her.
His eyes eyes had grew red out of continuous flowing of tears as the cold breeze touched his face cooling it a little.
Where you have gone Bondita?!
Please come back!! I want to see you. Just once please!!
His mind repeated the same lines in loop when he noticed a lady standing in a distance. The bottom of her saree was glowing because of the light from the headlights. He tried to stopped the car when she was just metre away while she covered her face with her hands and screamed........

It was at the peak moment when Anirudh had stopped the car and came out of it.
A smile automatically reached his lips at the possibility of Bondita being the the women sitting on dusty road covering her face.
His vision got blurry at the new set of crystal liquid wetting his eyes.
He was so busy in being happy about getting his Bondita back that he have not even noticed the simple rugged clothing of the person.

"Bondita!!....where did you have went..i just can't.. can't.."
He reached near the lady to touch her shoulder to help her to stand up but the next moment his hands were restrained back at the sight infront when she have pulled her hands away from her face.

"Chote mallik...what happened?! I am kamla!"
She was not his Bondita rather the wife of their maidservant.

"Sorry...did you got hurt!"
Anirudh asked humbly out of humanity and helped her in standing up.

"No, no chote mallik no problem. Actually i was going towards haveli only!! Koile had came to our locality to ask about Choti malkin but i was not in home, so i was going to just talk to her and pacify her as i heard that she was crying!"
Kamla and koile are good friends since long and they also had a very good relationship with Bondita. They respects her loves her.

"I and most of the villagers are really very worried for Choti Malkin so they have went to do seek blessings for her in the village mandir!!"

Anirudh sighed and took leave from there without saying anything in return. He didn't have the strength to.
He just want his Bondita to be in front his sight and hide her in his embrace as tight as he could.

He started the engine of the green vintage car and headed in the path of finding his Bondita with great pain in his heart.


"Take this tea Miss, you will feel better!!" A man in his late twenties forwarded a proclaim cup of tea towards violently shaking Bondita because of her silent cries.

She didn't budged a little and continued looking down in the darkness between her folded knees, resting her head on it. Her arms are hugging her knees close to her chest.

The man sighed in defeat and indicated his household helpers to keep a eye on her.
He went out of the designated room for the strange girl he have found a few hours before in the deserted road if Tulsipur. He was about to hit her but thankfully she was safe.
When after getting down from his car he have asked her about herself, she didn't answered.
Her mental didn't look sound so have took her to his home to give her shelter for a night before finding her family next day.
He didn't know if she is deaf or mute. He even don't know how she looks as to identify her because in the road her hairs had covered her face and now she isn't looking up.

Reaching his own room on his huge lavish mansion the man had held up his telephone and dialled a number.
After almost four rings, someone picked up and  a aged masculine voice came,.
"Hello, Dr. Benerjee speaking. May i know who's there?!"

"Hello uncle, i am Animesh, Animesh Chakraborty!!"
The man means Animesh replied with a soft smile on his lips to their family doctor who have got more closer to him after he had lost his parents in a ship accident. He was just 13 then and this uncle of his have raised him to make him a well known business man now.

"Ohh, young boy! Still awake!"
A typical laugh of Benerjee came from the other end as Animesh looked up towards the hanging wall clock on his room. Its almost 1 o'clock.

"Yes uncle,..Uncle actually I wanted to have a talk with you!!"

"What beta!?! Anything about Saudamini.......Are you going to propose her!?"
Benerjee had teased Animesh as he have blushed a little at the mention of Saudamani but soon he shrugged off and said.

"No uncle! Just about a unknown girl i have found on the road tonight. She seems to be mentally unhealthy..so i helped her and took her to home to give her shelter for tonight as tomorrow i will find her family. Did i have taken a right decision uncle by saving her or not?"
Animesh asked quite seriously and sat down on the comfortable couch kept aside.

While after thinking for some Benerjee replied
"You have done absolutely correct beta. Saving someone is like a virtue!!"

"Thank you uncle for understanding me and being with me in my toughest times!"
This is something that he says often and he will never get tired of saying this. This man is really special in his life.

"Its ok beta! You stop saying this everytime!"
Benerjee laughed a little and said.

"Ok bye uncle! Good night!!"
Animesh put the receiver down after greeting Benerjee uncle a good night and getting same in return.

He moved towards his bed and hoped inside to lost in a deep slumber after such a tiring day.


Bondita slowly looked upwards to found no one in the room. Maybe they are outside keeping eyes on her.

She was not speaking a word since she was saved by the stranger. She was not in her senses when he asked her to come with him so she have obliged to his request but later on getting a little sense she have planned to ran away from there but she was not able to. There were so many gaurds and she fears.
At the perticular moment she fears everyone. If the person she have trusted most can do something like this then why can't anyone else.

She was afraid of that stranger as well but she noticed that he was a good person. He haven't even touched her since the time she have met him.

So, guys,
Did you liked the twist, if yes then paint the star orange.
(Critisism surely welcomed)

Don't forget to guess what's going to happen next. I am excited to write the further chapters.

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