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"No, not Bondita"

Anirudh alarmingly looked up. There stood his childhood friend Mini with a frown on her face.

Mini really didn't like the fact that Anirudh thought her to be Bondita. Did Bondita roam around his mind everytime?
She still remember the day when Anirudh's father Binoy uncle said her that "Do you think everything will be same? No, one day Bondita will grow up and Anirudh will fall for her."

Did Anirudh is really getting attracted to Bondita. Did Binoy's words are becoming true? But little she know that Anirudh is not attracted rather he is attached to Bondita. Bondita resides in him.

"Oh, mini" Her irrational thoughts came to hault at his nervous exclamation.

"Yes, Mini. By the way why do you thought that I am Bondita" She went inside and sat on the sofa as she have the right on it.

"Bondita is growing and her height is quite same as you. Even my study door is not transparent. So..so" He tried to justify himself but somewhere he himself knew that it is not true. Even Bondita is not of Soudamini's height,she is short. The true reason is that the moment he heard the knock, the first thought came to his mind was Bondita as if he wanted to see her at that moment.wanted to talk to her.

The word growing hit Saudamani differently. She felt her suspect is true. Also over the years and she getting mature have subsided her attraction for Anirudh. Her heart have already accepted the truth.

Not knowing what to say Anirudh moved towards his table and adjusted himself comfortably on his chair. While Soudamini looked around the study.

An erre silence passed through the room.

"Soudamini, i have something to say to you" Anirudh speak out after some moments of silence between them.

"What Anirudh?" She expectantly turn around to look at him.

"There is a clint of me who wants to meet you once."

"Is it again about my marriage Anirudh? ..i said that i don't want to get married." She is irritated by the fact that Anirudh every time find a relation for her. She is tired of rejecting everybody.

"Listen mini, i am sure this time you won't reject him. He is a nice person and rich. I can guarantee you he will you keep you happy"

"What is his name," After giving second thought for some time she finally decided to move on. Its is somehow crystal clear that Anirudh will never leave Bondita and marry her. She wants to go to London. And if the man Anirudh is saying about is rich than he will surely fulfill her dream.

"Animesh Chakraborty, He is a young business man. I am his personal barrister for his business deals. One day when he came to meet me, he had seen you and liked you. So he wanted to meet you."
"Will you meet him mini"  . She nodded in yes.Anirudh's heart felt light. He always had a tinge of guilt for not marrying Soudamini. But now he will be free of guilt by getting Soudamini married to a nice person.

"Umm... Where and when"

" I will provide you the place and time later"

Soudamini felt happiness taking place in her heart. She doesn't know why but the fact that she will be someone else forever is not giving pain rather a happiness which she didn't felt all this years.

"Thank you Anirudh" She come forward and engulf Anirudh in a friendly hug. "I promise we will be friends forever."

"Umm...uh. chote malik" They broke their hug apart to find Koeli, Roy Chowdhury's domestic helper standing in the threshold of study. She is  loyal to her choti malkin ,so witnessing Anirudh and Saudamini hugging each other made her angry and displeased. She is not that educated and experienced to understand what type of man Anirudh is and the type of hug they shared.

"The food is served. Come to have it."

Anirudh didn't understand why she acted like that but Saudamani did. Without anymore word Saudamani headed towards her home.

The dining room of Roy Chowdhury is incomplete  today as their beloved Bondita is not present their. Anirudh waited silently for her arrival but she didn't arrived.

"Where is Bondita, Batuk? Did she came to your room to play today?"

"No Dada, she didn't." Batuk said being busy with his food.

"She is in her room Chote malik" koeli said serving food to the family members.

Anirudh stood up with a start and directly went upstairs to her room. It was true that he wanted to give her some privacy but not in the stake of her health.

Anirudh knock on the door for some time but no response. He felt a cold perspiration in fear.

This time he knock with a little force and the door opened. That means she have not closed her door, he was panicking unnecessarily.

He looked inside, there she was in a peaceful slumber. Her face glowing with the small rays of moonlight approaching though the slightly parted curtain.

He moved forward and sat beside her. She really looks so devine and serene while sleeping. She felt like a fairy to him. After adoring her for some time he cupped her face and give in to the the urge of giving her an innocent forehead kiss. His cold lips touched her skin very gently, almost with a very slight contact.
Her sleep broke at his presence and she tried to open her eyes with a little difficulty. First she found a hazy figure over her face but after blinking for some time she got adjusted to her surrounding. She found her patibabu sitting there with a smile.

Anirudh who was still in her spell, come back to reality and got confused. He was afraid as well.
What made him to do this?
Did she misunderstood his kiss?
Will she start hating him? No he can't let it happen.
How filthy he had become.

He didn't have any courage to confront her so he tried to ran away from the situation. But was stopped by a tugg on his wrist. With a frightened expression he looked behind. She was looking at him, straight into his eyes.

"I have something to ask"

Hi guys,
This is the second chapter of this book. Hope i am not disappointing you all.

I always wanted to see a friendly relationship between Saudamini and Anirudh. So i wrote it like that.
What about you. Did you liked their friendship?
What do you think . What Bondita will ask him?

Paint the star orange if you liked it🧡
Please don't forget to comment because this is the only way i could know your opinion.
(Criticism is surely welcomed)

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