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"Why Bondita?..Why....?!!"

When Bondita and Sharnalata was busy looking around the novels, they heard the sound of the motor gadi but ignored.
After some time Bondita heard a familiar sound calling her name. She quickly understood who he was and started panicking but before she could do anything.
He was in the study.

Even Batuk came running towards study to find his puzzled dada.
Batuk tried hard to prove Sharnalata to be Bondita's friend but Sharnalata who was unaware of their secret refused Batuk's words and introduced herself to be his friend.

Having no any other option, Batuk himself said the truth.
And then his dada did the same thing which was expected by Batuk.
An impulsive act.

He directly went to Sharnalata's in laws and threatened them for making a small girl live such a life.

His act resulting in Sharnalata being thrown out of her home. Even her parents refused to accept their already married daughter.
Their hypocrisy.

Anirudh apologized to her and suggested her to stay with them in the haveli.
She hesitated first but accepted at their request.

Right now Bondita is sitting in her room on her study chair while Anirudh is leaning on her study table semi hovering over her.
He was serious and disappointed.

"Why Bondita, why you hide it from me." He doesn't need anyone to say him that she knew everything and hide everything from him.
He understands her more than she herself does.

From the time this fiasco is going on, she haven't said a word. She looked shocked and wasn't easily getting out of it. She was sad and was in guilt because she thinks that Sharnalata's truth is out because of her.
She was one who urged her to visit their home and even asured Batuk that her patibabu would not come to know about all this as he will be late.

Little did she knew that he was returning home early not as usual.


Uff her ears pained at his shout. Why he Everytime shout before knowing the real fact. What type of barrister he is.

"Pati ba...."


Again he was overreacting and not even letting her to say anything.

She didn't wanted to tell that Batuk had given her promise to hide it from him but she have to. Otherwise his mode was not helping her to think of a nice excuse.
Even her mother had told her once that their should be nothing hidden between husband and wife. This creates misunderstanding.

Leading the relationship to jiggle a little. No matter how strong the foundation is.

She signed and glaringly looked straight at his red eyes.

She felt.
He was getting cool ,his wide eyes are coming to normal position.
He slightly made himself straight and looked away from her doe shaped sharp eyes.

He couldn't withstand her glare.
The one glare from her small eyes were enough to make him quite.

She is the only one who is capable of controlling his anger issues.
And she also understands that we get angry on those people whom we love the most.

He loves her the most. So gets angry with her quickly.

She swiftly switched their position and made him sit on the chair while she hovered over him taking the support of the table.

He was standing leisurely so it was easy for her to made him sit.

He was not ready for her quick act as his mouth went wide open. He gasped and looked at her face , waiting for her to say something.

He knew nothing was going to come of his throat.

Her face just above his, as some of her baby hairs playing with the skin on his warming scarlet cheeks.

The proximity.
Her hot breathing was what made difficult for him to even utter a word.

He could sense that she was feeling exactly same.
Same as him.
Her intention was to just made him shut and go on with her explaination but the moment cheated her.
She didn't wanted to create a awkward moment.
Neither she was awkward.
But her she cares about his emotions.
Maybe he was awkward and thats the reason he was looking at her like this.
A way he had never seen her.
She had mistook his expression. The redness of his cheeks to be the result of his nervousness or awkwardness but it was not.
It was her affect on him.
It was his blush of happiness.

He had never seen her as a women.
But that moment he was seeing her as a women.
As his women.
He looked at her face.
Her whole face.
Her small nose, her enchanting eyes, her red cheeks, her plumpy pink lips.
Everything. Everything about her is so beautiful.
So beautiful for him.
The golden light from the only table lamp lit on the room is sprinkled on her face as the golden sparkles.
Making her look devine.
His little goddess.


"Oh wait Anirudh,.! You are going in a wrong direction. She is your little Bondita. "
He said himself in his mind and tried to look away.
But he failed.
Failed miserably.
It was almost impossible to broke apart from her eyes.
Her orbs as pure as the diya of mandir. Ready to illuminate this society drenched in darkness of the cruel customs.
Her eyes through which he watch his dream.
Those eyes held the dream of a new dawn.

It was famously said that eyes are window to the soul.
And the very moment Anirudh felt the statement true.
He was peeking through her eyes to witness her tranquil soul.
Maybe she was doing the same.

Yes it was true that he had looked at her as his women a moment ago but now it was different.
She was his Bondita.
His kranti ki mashal.
The self of her, he admired the most.
That Bondita who have the capacity to shut everyone down with her expert tark.
His companion of every ups and downs.
Every battle of a beautiful victory.

"Pati babu listen to me carefully. First let me clear that don't get made at batuk."

She was having hard time saying the words and standing still.
Hopefully she had already held the table as a support otherwise she would have fell down till now.
His gaze was making her knees wobble and getting weak.
Her cheeks burning, almost paining.
She was extremely controlling to hold back her urge of lean on him completely and rest her her lips on his thin ones.
But she didn't understood why she felt like this.
Resting her lips on his.
Wasn't it something crazy.
What type of thoughts are roaming around her head.
Maybe she was getting insane.

She can't let him know about her weird thoughts.
So she broke apart looking at the dull wall of her room.
She was sure that if he looked at her eyes for more time than he will surely come to know about all this.
Her weird side.

Did he also have a weird side?!!
Some weird fantasies?!!
Same as her.

No. No. He can't.
He can't have those.
Only she have those weird and crazy thoughts.
No one else.
She have to threw those thoughts away on the pit but before she have to go through the present situation and clear all the things.

Hey guys,

What do you think about their brewing feelings.

What about Bondita's weird thoughts?

They are having physical attraction towards each other but the most important thing i want to share is their pure love will be the priority of their relationship.
This attractions are temporary but their affection for each other is permanent.❤️

Ok enough bak bak.😅

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(Criticism is surely welcomed 🌺)

~Manalee 🤍

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