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I added receipts from the bar when Gunner burst into my office.

"Blake is on the warpath!"

I rushed from my seat and opened a door in the wall to reveal an arsenal of firearms. I grabbed the guns and loaded them and the ammo into a bag. If Blake wants a war, he'll get a war.


Someone gave me a gentle shook. I twisted my head to see Alicia holding my cell phone in front of my face.

"Your phone keeps ringing."

I took the phone from her and glanced at the missed calls from Richard. After hitting redial, I placed the phone against my ear.

It's about fucking time you answered the phone!

"I was busy," I mumbled.

I don't fucking care if you have a bitch sucking your dick. We got problems.

I rolled onto my back as Richard barked orders at me. Alicia snuggled into me.

Blake's on the warpath and is gunning for you.

"Blake can suck my dick. That cocksucker is lucky he's breathing."

If he's gunning for you, that means he's headed your way.

"Give me ten. Tell the others to get ready." I snapped my phone closed.

Alicia glanced at me.

"I got business to handle. Keep the bed warm." I flung the covers off me, grabbed my jeans, and pulled them on.

Alicia sat up in bed with the blanket wrapped around her chest. "How long will you be gone?"

I pulled my shirt over my head, sat down on the bed, and pulled my boots on. "Not long. Blake runs his mouth, and Richard gets his dick in a vice."

Alicia giggled.

I stood, dragged on my coat, leaned over, and kissed her. "I'll be back."

"Okay." Alicia gave me a small smile.

I strolled out of the room and cabin, strode to my bike, and swung my leg over the seat. After starting the cycle, I peeled out and drove to town. Blake needs to stop running his pie hole. He keeps interrupting my time with Alicia.

The bike roared down the highway as a few cars passed. I weaved around cars, accelerating my cycle until I drove onto the off-ramp towards town. I turned on East street and stopped. The roads were empty, and businesses closed, leaving an eerie quietness.

I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out a sawed-off shotgun. I swung it around in my hand and loaded it. Then I twisted and fired, hitting a guy behind me. I cocked it again and shot the other guy. I lifted my boots and drove away.

My bike roared towards gunfire as I stopped, dropped my kickstand, and swung my leg from my bike. Grabbing a handgun, I strolled with the shotgun resting on my shoulder. When I saw Richard and Blake's clubs firing on each other, I unloaded on Blake's crew.

Once my ammo ran out, I tossed the guns, grabbed a guy, and slammed him into the concrete. His skull cracked upon impact. Another guy threw his fist at me. I caught it, twisted his arm, and snapped his arm. A scream erupted from his throat, and I slammed my fist into his throat.

I caught another guy out of the corner of my eye, grabbed the guy's side piece, and fired at a guy headed my way. I tossed the guy to the ground and slammed my boot's sole onto his head.

I zeroed in on Blake as my eyes narrowed to a slit. This fucker was going down. When I reached Blake, I dropped the gun and slammed my fist into his face. Blake stumbled back, then charged me, slammed into me, and knocked me onto my back. His fist landed into my mouth, but it didn't matter. I let my rage fuel me.

Blake and I fought hardcore as blood sputtered from different parts of our faces. Now, he pissed me off.

I hooked my arm around Blake's and slammed my fist into his back over and over. I used my boot to kick his leg and dropped him. I unleashed my rage, grabbed his jacket, and hit him over and over.

As my fist moved towards his face, a sharp pain ripped through my shoulder. I dropped Blake and dropped to my hands and knees. Another searing pain hit me in the side. I blinked as boots moved past me. Someone's hands grabbed me and dragged me from Blake. I struggled in their grasp as pain flooded me.

Within minutes the war ended as quickly as it began. Blake's crew took off with Blake. I pushed the person from me, stood, and stumbled back to my bike. Richard yelled for me, but I climbed onto my bike, started it, and took off. I needed to see Alicia.


A pounding woke me from my slumber. I grabbed my robe, slid it on, and walked towards the pounding. When I reached the front door, I unlocked and opened it to find Jax grasping the doorframe.

"Oh, my God! Jax!" I gasped.

Jax lifted his head. "Alicia."

Jax's hand slipped, and he stumbled towards me. I grasped him as he gripped me. I helped him to the couch and situated him. When I moved my hand, I noticed blood. I checked Jax and saw his shoulder and side blood stained his shirt.

"Oh, God. You're bleeding."

Jax's eyes shifted to me.

"I'll be right back." I stood and started to leave.

Jax grabbed my wrist. "Don't leave me."

I leaned over and cradled his face with my palm. "I need to get the first aid kit."

Jax nodded and loosed his hold on me. I hurried to the bathroom and searched for the first aid kit, a needle, and anything to clean the wounds. I returned with the items.

"I need a lighter."

Jax arched a brow.

"You smoke. Hand over your lighter." I held out my palm.

"Don't steal my lighter."

I rolled my eyes. Jax reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a lighter, and slapped it into my palm. I got to work and took care of Jax's wounds. First, I had to dig out the bullet, clean the injury, and stitch the opening. Jax hissed as I worked on him. I had to make sure I caught the entrance and exit wounds, if there were ones. After taking care of the bullet holes, I tended to the cuts on his face.

Jax hissed as I dabbed peroxide on them. Once I cleaned the cuts, I stitched what needed stitches and covered it with gauze. Jax leaned on the couch as I cleaned up the mess and washed my hands.

My heart pounded with the water having a pale blood color added. After cleaning my hands, I turned off the water, dried my hands, and cried. I held onto the bathroom countertop, steadying myself while trembling. Then my body relaxed with a familiar touch, which I had craved.

I turned to face Jax. His face had cuts and bruises. He reached up and brushed the tears from my cheeks. Jax's lifestyle scared the hell out of me tonight because I didn't want to lose him. I needed him.

I helped him to bed and helped him undress. Once I situated him, I crawled in next to him and cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arm around me as my eyelids closed. The emotional exhaustion took its toll as I fell into a deep sleep.

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