Chapter 6 ~ Never Trust a Snake

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(The chapter begins with the Falcon landing on a phone line, scaring off a group of birds.)

Falcon: Wake up, Zane. I know where you come from.

(Zane wakes up, hitting his head on the top bunk of the bed, gasping. Zane gets out of bed, rubs his head and looks out the window in a dream.)

Zane: (Comes up to the bridge and sees Master Wu and Nya) The hunt starts early today.

Wu: A watchful eye never sleeps.

Nya: As long as Lloyd and the Serpentine roam freely, no one in Ninjago is safe.

Zane: Where are the others?

Wu: Training on the upper deck.

(Zane goes out to the upper deck before seeing the Falcon again, perched on the mast.)

Zane: You were in my dream, little friend. The last time I saw you, you led me to good fortune. What reason have you returned? (The Falcon soon flies off and Zane watches it fly away from the Destiny's Bounty, unaware that a shadow was sneaking up behind him, but soon realizes) Lord Garmadon? (He turns to face him.) But you were banished!

Garmadon: Only to return for the Weapons of Spinjitzu. (He pulls out two katanas.) Soon I will have the power to recreate Ninjago in my own image.

(Garmadon charges at Zane, who gets out his Shurikanes of Ice and jumps over Garmadon before he could strike him, landing in a defensive position.)

Garmadon: Give me your Shurikens of Ice.

Zane: You'll have to take them from me. Ninja, go!

Garmadon: So be it.

(Meanwhile, Elenora is having another dream in her room)

?: How many times have I told you that you shouldn't even be here? 

??: Just go back! You don't belong here!

(Elenora covers her ears and closes her eyes while the world around her spins and stops at Wu)

Wu: The Element of Magic is far too powerful for you. It will cause much harm that even your team won't be able to fix.

Elenora: (Looks at her book that turns into dust) Just a dream. Just a dream.

???: Secrets that are locked away for too long will leave you in the middle of nowhere.

Elenora: What secrets?

???: Your family....Your life.

??: Why are you so cold to everyone you meet? 

Elenora: (Closes her eyes while the Green Ninja flashes in her mind.) 

(The Owl appears in her dream.)

Owl: Wake up Elenora. Wake up.

(In real life, Elenora wakes up and sees Nya's already gone. She looks at her bracelet and takes it off throwing it against a wall but it doesn't break.) 

Elenora: (Heavily breathes and closes her eyes) 

?: How many times have I told you that you shouldn't even be here?

Elenora: (Opens her eyes and looks around her room not seeing anything.)

(Nya comes in the room and notices Elenora's worried expression.)

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now