Chapter 46 ~ The Corridor of Elders

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(A boy in a purple sweater gasps as he watches the villagers run in fear.)

Chen: Haha! Run! Haha! Run away! (He sees the panicked villagers fleeing.) I feel sorry for them, Zugu. They rely so heavily on the Ninja. They don't know what to do when they're not here. Doesn't anyone here want to fight?

Girl: (She throws a pepper at him.) Hey! (Zugu throws a boulder toward her and she runs away.) And I thought Ninjago City was dangerous! (She sees a boy in purple running away before tripping on something and rubbing his arms.) What's he doing out here?!

Chen: Haha! Onward, my slithering soldiers, until there is no village left unturned!

(Meanwhile, as the Elemental Masters are stuck in different locations, Kai is seen outside of the skirts of the City inside the noodle truck trying to call for help.)

Nya: (On the radio) Chen has— Kai— Village— Everyone—

Kai: I can't read you, Nya. Repeat.

Nya: Where— Kai!

Kai: I can't hear you, sis. What's going on?! (He groans as the feed continues to create static.) 

(While Kai is punching the radio trying to get it to work, Jay is at the entrance of the Anacondrai Tomb in his own truck.)

Nya: Attacked first— Nothing— Stop them!

Jay: You're breaking up. Where do you need us? We're all scattered, and there's not time to play fill-in-the-blanks!

(Cole is seen in Blackwood Forest ontop of some trees trying to get a better signal from the radio.)

Nya: Get— the— Please— Cave— Hurry!

Cole: (He shakes the radio in the air.) Seriously, what's with these radioes? You would think Borg would've upgraded them, or made them obsolete or something by now.

Nya: Sam— Don't come— The Ship— Bounty—! 

Cole: (Grunts.) I can't get a better signal- And now I'm talking to myself, great- (He steps on a branch breaking it underneath him as he falls.) Woah-! (He grabs on another branch before making his way down seeing the radio busted.) Ugh. (He looks back at the truck.) Maybe Nya was trying to say the Samurai X Cave...

(Meanwhile, Lloyd is trapped at the top of a mountain in another noodle truck.)

Nya: Hurry— Too late!

Lloyd: Tell us where we need to go. I can't use my Dragon power, so if anyone is close— (The radio dies out.) Nya? Nya? Can anyone hear me? (The radio buzzes again before dieing out completely. He sighs.) Might as well find someone else on my own. (He starts to drive the truck down the mountain.)

(On the Bounty, Nya is still trying to communicate with the others using the radio.)

Nya: They're attacking Jamanakai Village. You have to stop them! (She hears more static before it dies out. She grunts and kicks the radio.) Ugh! All communication is cut! (She turns around to the others.) No one can hear us. 

Elenora: Are you sure? (She walks up to the group as everyone gasps.) Turns out the connection is stronger in the air, then it is on the ground.

Garmadon: Elenora? (Twyla hoots as well revealing her presence.) 

Nya: (She hugs Elenora as she siffens for a second, before letting go.) Wait, how did you get up here?

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now