Chapter 70 ~ Scavengers

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(To start our chapter with a positive note opening on a sunny day. Wu and Misako are seen taking a stroll in Ninjago City.)

Wu: (Sighs.) Oh, Misako. All the time we have known each other...

Misako: Someone wise once said "We do not go forward by looking back."

Wu: When did I say that?

Misako: Never. I did. 

(They both share a laugh before hearing screaming cut the air. The Vermillion Army and the Time Twins approach them from afar, laughing.)

Wu: Stay by my side, Misako. (He doesn't hear a reply.) Misako? (He looks next to him and sees Misako disintegrate before his eyes.) Misako-!

(The scene blurs before Wu wakes up in his bed, revealing it to be a dream.)

Wu: Misako! At my side.

Misako: Of course. (He runs up and stands beside the bed.) As I always will be. And as you always will be for me. What is it, Wu?

Wu: I haven't told anyone, but when I fought Acronix at the monastery, something...happened. Something bad.

Misako: (She pauses.) ...What happened?

(Meanwhile, in the Samurai X Cave, Nya is looking after Zane who still lying on the table, unconscious. While Falcon and Twyla are watching her work, perched on the computer.)

Nya: This is bad, guys. (She grunts) I told everyone to go back to the Airjitzu Temple while I got Zane back online and still nothing! (She looks at the computer and sighs.) Even rewriring Zane to Falcon didn't help. (Twyla looks at her before pointing at the computer with her wing.) You're right Twyla, all I got left is trying a total system reboot. Okay, stand- or fly back guys

(Nya types something up on the computers before hitting a switch. Electricity cackles as Zane twitches before standing up.)

Zane: Nya!

Nya: Oh, Zane! I'm so glad you're—

Zane: (He walks away from his table.) That potato was a flange 41-823. A narwhal horn is too red as weather is greater than pudding. (Twyla and Falcon look at each other.) Fifty sheet auto doc feeder! 

Nya: (She brings Zane back to the table.) Okay, Zane. Take it easy. That's it.

Zane: (He sees Falcon perch on his shoulder.) Ah! My banana curtain nine! 

Nya: (She facepalms.) Oh, come on! I've tried everything. (She hits Zane's head with her screwdriver.) What is going on in there...?

P.I.X.A.L.: (In Zane's mind.) What is going on is I'm trying to unscramble Zane's neural pathways so we can go rescue Cyrus Borg. And you haven't tried everything. You need to realign Zane's neural inputs. Can you hear me? Falcon, please tell her something! (She sees Falcon's face on the sensors and sighs.) Ugh, hello—

Zane: Hello? (He points at his head.) Hot dog rainy day in seven!

Nya: (She pauses.) ...Okay, maybe what you need is... 

P.I.X.A.L.: Don't say a new binary power core.

Nya: ...a new binary power core! (To the birds.) I'll be right back, guys. Keep him out of trouble for me! 

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now