Chapter 40 ~ Ninja Roll

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(At the palace, Chen announces the competitors for the next match. The other Elemental Masters are shown sitting in the audience.)

Chen: Skylor, Master of Amber, versus Jacob, Master of Sound. (The gong sounds.) Fight! Fight!

Skylor: (Tip-toes around Jacob.) Eenie, meenie, minie, moe. Catch a Jadeblade by its toe! (She leaps at Jacob who strums his guitar and causes a sound wave)

Garmadon: Master of Sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him.

Jay: (Looks around.) Hey, where's Kai?

Elenora: He's lost. 

Jay: Huh?

Kai: (He finds his way to the arena and walks past the other Masters.) Excuse me. Excuse me. Uh, don't mean to block your view. Just passing through. (Sits down beside Jay.) Sorry, all of these temples look the same. (Jay looks at Elenora who crosses her arms.) Did I miss anything?

Jay: Heh. Bythe looks of it, you didn't miss much. (He points to everyone he upset as he stepped on their toes.) 

Kai: Oops, heh sorry. 

Jay: (Sees Tox make the "I'm watching you" sign.) Maybe we shouldn't be sitting together. I mean, the more they think we're a team, the bigger targets we put on ourselves. 

Elenora: Jay is right, after his and Cole's fight the other Elemental Masters now know that we won't fight each other. That creates a fine line between us and other competitors.

Jay: (Proudly smiles.) Yeah. Listen to Elenora and me more. (Kai rolls his eyes.)

Lloyd: I get it, but we are a team. Sure we just lost Cole and still can't find Zane, but we're a team. Just smaller. All the more reason to stick together.

Elenora: And all the more reason for others to go after us. (Shade looks at her suspiciously as she stares back.) 

Jay: (Whispers to Elenora and Lloyd.) Yeah, people are giving me weird looks.

Kai: (Sees the fighters, and stands up.) Skylor's fighting?!

Garmadon: What has him so excited?

Jay: Heh, he had a crush on her until he found out they might be related. It's priceless! (Starts laughing as other Elemental Masters look their way.) 

Garmadon: Her element isn't Fire. She's the Master of Amber, power of absorption. She can emulate the power of anyone she's touched.

Kai: (He perks up.) You're telling me we're not related?! (He shakes Garmadon before the latter shoves his hands off.) 

Elenora: (Shakes her head.) Here it goes again.

(Later in the fight, Skylor is able to confuse Jacob with the wind coming through some air holes. She breaks a vase and grabs the Jadeblade. The audience cheers for her.)

Kai: Yes! Go Skylor!

Chen: Winner! And loser. (He opens a trapdoor for Jacob.) 

Lloyd: (Whispers to Elenora beside him.) We could go through one of the trap doors.

Elenora: (Crosses her arms.) The doors most likely lead to a room filled with cultists. We would get caught before we even hit the ground.

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now