Chapter 32 ~ The Curse of the Golden Master

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I'm starting to have doubts about this colour pattern, for Elenora's gi

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I'm starting to have doubts about this colour pattern, for Elenora's gi.

But for now, I guess we'll stick with it.

(The Team return to New Ninjago City after their recent run-in with the nindroids. The streets are shown to be trashed while the group walk towards Borg Tower.)

Kai: What happened?

Cole: No power, that's what happened.

Jay: (Glances at a car that is tipped upside down.) Uh, maybe shutting down the power wasn't a good idea...

Cole: Well, did you have any better ideas, mother-mouth?

Nya: (Walks up to Elenora.) Elenora, I didn't get to say anything back at the junkyard, but can we talk about the-

Elenora: Not now, Nya. 

Nya: But-

Elenora: We will talk, just...just not now. 

Nya: (She nods before walking beside Kai who eyes her.) What?

Kai: Nothing. 

Zane: Are we too late? 

(Zane steps on a tripwire alerting the citizens of their arrival.) 

Man: Outsiders must answer to the Postman!

Postman: Return to sender!

Kai: Uh...(Whispers to Zane.) I think we're too late.

Zane: Indeed. 

Jay: (Looks at Cole who rolls his eyes.) 

Zane: (Clears his throat) Citizens of Ninjago City, we are here to inform you that-

Postman: Return to sender!

Zane: -Inform you that we have arrived to-

Postman: Return to sender!!

Zane: -To-

Postman: Return to sender!!!

Zane: (He looks at Kai who shrugs.) Well-

Elenora: We must get to Borg Tower to stop the Overlord. Now if you would all step aside and-

Woman: I don't know...What do you think Postman?

Postman: (Takes a deep breath.)!

Jay: Ugh! We got it the first time! Who uses the mail anymore, anyways?

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now