Chapter 48 ~ Ghost Story

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(Continuing on from the last Chapter, the Team is seen soaring on the Bounty as they are being chased by Morro who is on Lloyd's corrupted Elemental Dragon.)

Wu: Take positions. 

Cole: (He and the others look back.) Ah, I give you this much: That Ninja never quits. 

Kai: (The Dragon does a flip before charging at the ship.) He's coming in for an attack!

Zane: Port side! (Nya pulls the wheel as the Bounty swerves away from the orb of Curropted Energy.)  

Cole: (Seeing Morro bolting around.) He's coming back!

Elenora: (She grips the railing.) Load, the cannons!

Jay: (He fires the cannons at him, but misses.) Oh, come on! This guy can control Wind, has possessed Lloyd, can use his power, and knows how to fly a Dragon?! Who is this dude?! 

Kai: Jay! Just fire!

Nya (Jay goes to fire but she gasps.) Hold on, everyone! (She swerves the Bounty again as Jay slides out of his seat missing Morro again.) 

Jay: Aah! (He stops himself in front of Wu.) Ugh, let me get this straight, Sensei. You're just telling us now that you had another pupil before us, and now his cursed spirit has possessed Lloyd, all so that he can take your staff? I mean, it's just a staff!?

Wu: Morro won't stop until he gets what he's after. There's a secret message engraved on it. All these years, I had no idea.

Jay: Of course. Ha, just another day in Ninjago.

Elenora: (She points.) He's coming in again!  

Cole: (He and the others see the Dragon flying faster.) If this is as fast as the Bounty goes, I think we're in for some serious trouble.

Kai: Sis, can this thing go any faster?!

Nya: I barely had time to fix it after the Second Serpentine War, what do you want from me?! (She grunts and deviates the Bounty again.) 

(Morro laughs as the Dragon disappears and he lands on the Bounty. The ghost takes out his scythe-blades as spins them before the Ninja take their fighting stances.)

Wu: I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff.

Zane: Kai and I will take you to our quarters while Jay, Elenora, and Cole will keep him busy.

Cole: (He takes out his scythe.) Oh, that's honourable of you to nominate us.

Jay: Yeah, we didn't fare so hot last time. Why is it you get off with the easy task?

Zane: Because I'm the intelligent one. (He taps his head before running off with Kai.) And you have Elenora to accompany you. 

Elenora: (She takes out her staff.) It's three against one.

Jay: We couldn't even beat him when it was four against one!

Cole: Ugh, let's take this guy. (They charge at Morro.) 

Nya: (She looks below at the deck.) Why am I steering the ship? There's a reason autopilot was invented. (She activates autopilot in the shape of an air-filled balloon of Dareth before running off.)

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now