Chapter 36 ~ The Titanium Ninja

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(The nindroids are seen flying through Ninjago's atmosphere before coming to a stop at Borg Tower as they put down the Creation Weapons. On the factory floor, the Overlord comes through the doors in his weakened state.)

Overlord: Have they melted down the Golden Weapons?

Pythor: (Slithers across.) Yes, the Golden Armor will be ready for your evil bidding, my Dark Lordship.

Overlord: (Walks up to OverBorg.) Borg's still here? What use is he now that Project Arcturus is completed? 

Pythor: Hmm... (The Overlord walks into the factory as he looks to Cryptor.) 

Overlord: (Laughs.) Yes. Yes! Behold, the beginnings of the Golden Master!

(The Golden Weapons continue to be melted down, while the Book of Magic has it's power drained from it before disintegrating. Later, Cyrus is seen on the floor with Cryptor beside him.) 

Cyrus: You''re releasing me? But what have you done? What now?

Cryptor: Now you watch your city and all of Ninjago fall. And bow to a new master. Looks like you already have that part down. (Cackles as Cyrus looks at the ground.)

Cyrus: How can I stop this...

(Meanwhile, in space, The Ninja are seen still trapped in Delta V as the comet continues to fly through space.)

Kai: (Hits a bug with a scrap of metal.) These bugs just keep coming. 

Lloyd: We're not going anywhere at this rate.

Kai: There is nowhere to go, we don't have a ship! (Points at the destroyed ship.) And we're in space! (Puts his hands up in the air.)  

Jay: (Zaps a few bugs.) Nya, there's no way we're getting off this comet. Any last words, my darling?

Cole: (Crushes a bug with his hand.) How about "It was always you, Cole. I won't be able to carry on without you."

Nya: (On communication) Now is not the time for that! Can't I care for both of you? 

Cole & Jay: Well-

Elenora: Not another word. (She looks at Jay and Cole as they shrink and step away from each other.) 

Nya: (Still talking.) ...Now just don't give up.

Lloyd: My dad was right, I should've never given up my Golden Power. We could have all been home. Now the Overlord has all he needs to become the Golden Master.

Garmadon: Don't say that. I was wrong. You must trust your friends. Trust yourself.

P.I.X.A.L: They've returned with the Golden Weapons. It's only a matter of time.

Wu: Search for the power within, then realize the greatness within each other.

Lloyd: He's right. We can get off this comet.

Kai: What about your Energy, Lloyd?

Zane: It's too far. He'd never be able to keep his focus that long.

Cole: (Sighs.) No one happens to have a build-your-own-rocket-kit handy, do they?

Lloyd: (Watches Elenora levitate a ship's compartment before placing it somewhere else.) Whoa. That's it!

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now