Chapter 54 ~ Grave Danger

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(Our Chapter starts underwater this time, where Morro is seen holding the Sword of Sancauary standing infront of the entrance of the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master. Ghoultar is seen levitating in front of Morro as the latter glares at the ghost.)

Morro: You...did.....what?!

Ghoultar: Ghoultar left Ninja in Caves of Despair. They found body of you and Ghoultar trapped them in caves. And... (He waves his Scythe, mimicking the explosion.) ...everyone explode. Gone. You're welcome.

Morro: You're welcome- (He pinches his nose.) You fool, we needed the Magic Ninja! My instructions were clear: Get rid of the Ninja and bring the Magic Elemental to me! 

Ghoultar: (He stares at Morro, realizing his mistake.) Oh...oops.

Morro: Oops? Oops! That's it! (He stomps up to Ghoultar.) Now how am I supposed to get in the tomb now! You've ruined everything! (He raises his sword.) I should just get rid of you now-

Bansha: Morro- (She floats up to the two and sees the scene.) Am I interrupting something?

Morro: (He grunts, frustrated.) What do you want?

Bansha: The Ninja have survived. 

Morro: (He swiftly looks back with Ghoultar.) What?

Bansha: They somehow escaped the caves and are currently flying on an aircraft.

Soul Archer: (He appears from behind Bansha.) Belonging to Ronin...

Morro: Good. (The ghosts look at him surprised and confused.) Then they'll be coming here. I'll get rid of them. (He points.) You three, take the ship, go back to the surface. And don't mess anything else up. Got it? (The ghosts nod and leave. He turns chuckling looking at his Sword.) Nothing is stopping me from getting that Realm Crystal now....

(Later, the Ninja are seen using R.E.X. to traverse under the Endless Sea. Zane is piloting the craft while the others look around their undersea environment.)

Elenora: How far are we, Zane?

Zane: (He looks at the map on the screen.) We are approximately three kilometres away from the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Cole: Can't believe we're almost there after all we've been through.

Kai: (Looking at the water fearfully.) I can't believe I'm underwater...

Cole: You? What about me? Just how thick is this glass? (He taps the glass a couple times.)

Jay: (Shrugs.) Thick enough? Ronin better have gotten a deal on tempered glass.

Cole: Ugh, hopefully.

(On the Bounty, the rest of the Team are seen in the control room as Wu is looking at the screen to communicate with the Ninja.) 

Wu: We're heading to your location now. With Morro already ahead of you and able to foresee the traps protecting the tomb with the Sword of Sanctuary, it's going to be up to you five to find the Realm Crystal before he does.

Jay: Hehe, Cole's a Ghost, Kai can't swim, we have no magical sword or Elemental Powers. (Laughs nervously.) What could go wrong?

Cole: Well, at least Elenora's still got her power.

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now