Chapter 57 ~ Infamous

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(Our Chapter starts with a golden teapot with three blue panels surrounding it. Before zooming in on the teapot's reflection to reveal a skeleton being kicked by Jay who whips out his nunchucks before fighting the skeleton. Jay knocks the skeleton away before grabbing the teapot handle and turning it, switching the first blue panel to red, which flips around to reveal Kai.)

Kai: Ninja, go!

(Kai does Spinjitzu, defeating the skeletons. A skeleton is then knocked down a ramp, and under it is Zane stretching his arms. More skeletons sprint down the hall and Cole ghostly emerges from the wall and he pounds the floor, so the skeletons run back. Only to find a punch from Zane crashing through a barrier of ice. All four Ninja line up together facing the screen and get into their fighting stances. Samukai crashes through the wall and charges at them. A green light appears and Lloyd emerges from above before throwing an orb of Energy at Samukai.)

Kai: (In projected voice.) Do you have the golden scroll, Lloyd?

Lloyd: (In projected voice.) I sure do, Kai! But I don't know what it says. Can anyone help me read it?

Ninja: (All looking at the screen.) We can! Because reading is the first step to every adventure. (They all look up, putting their hands in the air.) Go, reading, go!

Dareth: And...Cut! 

(Lights flash on as the area of the "temple" is revealed to be a backdrop when the camera flashes on.)

Dareth: (Claps while walking through the studio.) Brilliance plus perfection! Clean up, little fellas, and make some headway here. That's a wrap!

Nya: (Walks up to the backdrop with Elenora and Morro.) A wrap? But we just got here! Dareth said—

Dareth: Hey, hey! (Everyone looks at him as he does hand guns while eating a puffy-potsticker.) There's my boys! I knew you could Spinjitzu but that acting knocked me out. (Notices Elenora.) Oh, hey, Elenora. Where were you? I had to get this shoot done with just the guys, you know how much that's going to lower our demographic?

Elenora: Demographic? 

Cole: (Walking up to them.) Dareth means the people who are watching this thing. Where were you guys anyway?

Elenora: You all left in such a hurry you forgot that Morro and Nya are still learning how to summon their Elemental Dragons. 

Cole: (Puts his hands down.) Oh...sorry, Nya and Morro. 

Kai: (Snapping a picture with his phone.) But you could've called ya know.

Dareth: (Finally noticing Nya.) Oh, Nya, you're here too, mind sticking around for a segment to teach girls how to apply makeup? 

Nya: (Looks to the back corner seeing the makeup artists, angered.) You're gonna need makeup when I rearrange your face! (She walks over to punch Dareth, but Kai holds her back.)

Kai: (Grunts.) Woah, easy, sis! I just got my hair done!

Nya: Let me go! When I get my hands on him-

Jay: (He puts his hands on Nya's shoulders.) Relax Nya! He didn't mean it, hehe, right Dareth? 

Elenora: (She puts her hand out stopping Nya. To Dareth.) Nya is one of us now, there's no reason she should be treated differently.

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now