Chapter 31 ~ Blackout

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(In the mountains, Lloyd is seen bearing rocks on his back while Garmadon stands on a taller mountain. The Falcon and Twyla are seen hovering above having their own bird conversation filled with hoots and caws.)

Garmadon: We underestimate the importance of balance. When it's there, we're at peace. When something is off, everything falls. 

Lloyd: (He struggles to hold the rocks.) Not really feeling the balance right now, dad. 

Garmadon: (Continues to place rocks.) Ninjago is no different. It put too much faith in technology, allowing the Overlord to return.

Lloyd: (He shifts his weight before Twyla lands on his head.) Twyla, you're not helping...

Garmadon: And because of your friends, now the world is without power. When one relies on something too much, we become weak, vulnerable, imbalanced. 

Lloyd: Uh-huh. (He continues to grunt at the extra weight.) Twyla- (The Falcon also lands on his head.) Guys, seriously-

Garmadon: Lloyd, in order to find your full potential and unlock your true power, you must find your own balance.

Lloyd: I'm already the Golden Ninja, how much more power do I need? (His arms wobble.) 

Garmadon: You've only scratched the surface! You have the potential to move mountains. Power of the First Spinjitzu Master! If you had come to my lessons at my Monastery, we could have had some interesting classes together.

Lloyd: Aw, come on dad. I told you, I was too busy-

Garmadon: Flying around Ninjago, yes, yes. The young make too many excuses. At least your partner Elenora made it a priority to come to my teachings from time to time.

Lloyd: (His legs tilt slightly.) Okay, okay, dad, I get the picture. But, anyways, the Ninja destroyed the power substation, essentially destroying the Overlord and his Nindroids. Why can't we go back? 

Garmadon: Essentially? Until the Overlord is fully erased from the system, we must not go back, but forward! 

Lloyd: Yeah, but-

Garmadon: And Elenora, I guess you could say has replaced you. 

Lloyd: (Looks up.) Wow, thanks, dad. Way to boost my confiden-

(Garmadon places a gigantic rock on the stack of stones, the interior caves in and the contents lands on Lloyd who groans. The Falcon and Twyla are seen on top of all the mess. Garmadon jumps down.) 

Garmadon: If you can't move mountains, I guess we'll have to move over mountains.

Lloyd: (Does Spinjitzu, getting free.) Oh yeah? 

Garmadon: And this next one looks particularly steep.

(Garmadon points at a steep mountain while Lloyd looks at it in uncertainty.) 

Lloyd: Now would be a good time to be a bird. 

(Meanwhile, in a Secret Base, a stranger in a white cloak puts in a hard drive into a computer.)

Overlord: Where am I?! The Ninja destroyed all of the power. How have you saved me?

Strange: Electro-Cobrai. (Gestures to a tank.) Though extremely rare, they're extremely useful.

Overlord: Who are are you? What do you want from me?

Stranger: Nothing but a small favour after returning you to power. You do still want to become flesh, if I'm not mistaken?

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now