Chapter 35 ~ The Void

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(The Ninja are seen inside Arcturus, the spaceship. Currently floating, or flying, through space...)

Jay: (Gliding through 0-gravity.) Is this the greatest thing ever or what?

Elenora: (Shakes her head.) Must you do that right now? (she looks out the window.) 

Kai: Elenora's right. Like, where are you right now? We're trapped in space and you...where did you go?! 

Jay: Guys, we're in space. (Turns around.) I thought this was stuff only Fritz Donnegan gets to enjoy.

Lloyd: (Floating upsidedown) Fritz is from a comic book, dude. (Waves his arms.) This is real!

Jay: Well, you got me hooked on the character. (Does a slow backfilp.) Would you lighten up and not step on your dreams of being a real Starfarer just yet?

Kai: Elenora, knock some sense into him. 

Elenora: (Still looking at space.) Figure it out yourself.

Kai: But- Ugh! (Takes a deep breath.) What even is a starefarer?! 

Cole: (Puts his hand on Kai's shouldar.) Okay, calm down Kai. Just give Jay his space, he'll come around. Eventually. (Kai glares at him.) Yeah, okay that was not a pun intended.

Lloyd: We have to find a way to take control of the ship. If they get the Golden Weapons back to the Overlord, Ninjago doesn't stand much of a chance. (Kai accidentally bumps into him.) Whoa! (He colides with Elenora.) Sorry Elenora! Uh, Kai pushed me.

Elenora: (Helps Lloyd to float right side up.) First, we have to get out of this room. 

Kai: But there's no access to the rest of the ship. The only way out is through the same airlock we came in.

Zane: And if my memory banks serve correct, space has a way of taking one's breath away...(Looks through the window.) the negative sense.

(Meanwhile, the Nindroids are seen piloting the rocket in the control room.)

Cryptor: (In the captain's chair.) Delta V guidance. Data point zero thirty. Initiate auto sequencing.

(Min-Droid sets the time for five minutes. All computers are changed to the timer, including the one in the room the Ninja are currently in.)

Jay: Wahoo! (Does a cartwheel.) I could never do that in Ninjago! Try it Lloyd!

Lloyd: Uh... (Looks at the ground.) Sure- (He's pushed away.) Woah!

Kai: Do not stoop down to his level Lloyd Garmadon. 

Lloyd: (Is now floating upside down.) You didn't need to push me, but okay. 

Cole: (Kai glares at him again.) Jay, quit being annoying. 

Jay: Uh, don't expect me to listen to you, least-valuable-ninja. (He interrupts Cole pointing at him.) And just so you know that's with an uncaptalized n

Cole: Well, you quit fanboying about space, you nerd!

Jay: (Gasps offensively.) We're in space! It's the only thing to fanboy about! 

Elenora: (Throws a blast of Magic before they can contrinue.) The both of you stay quiet or no one will have the option to be 'annoying.' 

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now