Chapter 74 ~ Pause and Effect

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(We move into the sewers, where through the tunnels and close to the entrance of the swamp, Lloyd lays out the map that they got from Skales for the others to see going over the plan.)

Lloyd: And if we do this right, we can find Master Wu, save Cyrus Borg, rescue everyone who was kidnapped.

Elenora: And stop Krux and Acronix. 

Lloyd: Right, but it'll take stealth, concentration, and precise execution.

Elenora: We'll also have to split up to get all of this done in the fastest way possible.

Jay: Cool, cool, and, uh, where does the slug fit in all this?

Lloyd: What slug?

Cole: (He looks at his shoulders and yells.) Aah! That one! (He tries to get the slug off as he jumps around.) Ew! Ew! Ew! It's so big! So gross! (Lloyd and Jay laugh.) Ugh, why'd we have to be in the sewers?! 

Elenora: Hold still. (Cole keeps moving his hands trying to get the slug off, she uses her Magic to levitate the slug off of Cole's shoulder.) 

Cole: Phew, thanks, Elenora. (He wipes his shoulder blade as everyone looks at him.) Ugh, what? I don't like gooey stuff. 

Nya: (She walks with Kai and Morro.) Hey, guys. What'd we miss?

Jay(He snickers.) Cole freaking out over a slug-

Cole: (Points at Jay and crosses his arms.) Shut it, moter-mouth.

Jay: (Puts his hands up and grins.) But it's funny! 

Zane: (To Kai, Nya, and Morro.) And Lloyd and Elenora were laying out the plan of attack.

Jay: Hehe, but mostly Cole freaking out. (The slug is then dropped on his head.) Ahh! Get it off, get it off! (He runs around everyone, gagging.) Oh, I'm gonna be sick! It's so gross! 

Cole: (Everyone looks at him) What? He got it coming. 

Lloyd: (While Jay runs around in the background) Heh, as we were saying, Zane will use his sensors to locate Cyrus Borg with Falcon while Jay and Cole rescue the workers from the warehouse, and I'll get Master Wu, who's probably in the holding cell. 

Nya: And what do we do?

Elenora: Morro, Kai, you, and I will have the difficult job of locating Krux and Acronix. 

Lloyd: Right, so you guys should probably take the map. (He hands the map to Elenora but Kai quickly grabs it and reads it over.) 

Nya: We can do that. Right, Kai?

Kai: (Muttering to himself.) Barracks, holding cell...

Morro: (To Elenora who is crossing her arms at Kai.) Uh, I should help find Wu, they'll probably have him locked up tight. 

Elenora: If you would like to, then Nya and I will be just fine. (Morro smiles and nods.) 

Nya: (She clears her throat.) Ahem, Kai?

Kai: (Thinking.) That's the mess hall and- and what's this...

Elenora: (To Lloyd, while Cole is chuckling at Jay who's still running around while Zane tries to stop him.) Lloyd, Morro will be going with you.

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now