Chapter 41 ~ Spy for a Spy

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(The Chapter starts on a negative note, under the island the eliminated Elemental Masters are back at the factory as Cole whistles with a positive note.)

Karlof: (Looking at Cole confused.) Why Cole whistling? Yesterday Cole was sad. Not today. What changed?

Cole: Things are looking up, Karlof. I came here with my teammates to find a friend, and I found him. All I gotta do now is get Zane and bust him out.

Karlof: Not so easy. Chen's made it impossible to escape this place.

Cole: I'm still working out the details, but Zane's a Nindroid.

Karlof: What is Nindroid?

Cole: Oh, right. (He scratches his neck.) Uh, he's like a robot, a walking computer. And if I can get to him, he'll solve anything Chen throws at us in no time.

Karlof: (Groans.) Karlof wished he had friend like that.

Cole: (Doesn't notice Karlof's sad face.) But first order of business, I gotta let the others know I'm busting him out. (He puts a piece of paper in a fortune cookie.)

Karlof: You put message in cookie?

Cole: I know, right? That's why it's called a fortune cookie.

Karlof: Well, if you get out, don't forget about Karlof.

Cole: (He puts his hand on Karlof's shoulder.) Yeah. Of course. We're all getting out of this place. (Karlof smiles as Cole turns to an Anacondrai Cultist.) Special order for the banquet's ready.

Karlof: (The cultist take's the tray.) I hope you have the good fortune for it to end up in the right hands.

Cole: You and me both, Karlof. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get out of here.

Zugu: Aah. (He tries to grab a cookie as Cole and Karlof look. Before the Cultist stops him.)

Cole: Phew. (He sees that Zugu has the keys.) Hmm...

Karlof: You have plan?

Cole: Haha, yeah. (Whispers.) Here's what we're going to do...

(Now on the island hiding behind some vegetation, Nya and Dareth watch as Chen's Kabuki goes inside the palace.)

Nya: All right, Dareth. Let's move in.

Dareth: Wait a minute. (He leads her back to the D.B. Express.) Have I ever told you that I am a master of disguise? (He opens a makeup kit.)

Nya: Uh, is that makeup?

Dareth: No, no, this is the master of disguise kit.

Nya: No, no. Wait Dareth-

Dareth: Get ready to go undercover. (He puts makeup on Nya.) Oh, yeah. Oh, that. Oh, perfect. Oh. (Nya coughs as Dareth moves away combing his hair.) Presenting Miss Kabuki!

Nya: What? (She looks at herself.) How did you manage to change my clothes?

Dareth: A true Ninja never reveals their secrets. You should know that, Nya. (Nya shakes her head amused.) 

(Back inside Chen's temple, The Kabuki serves the fighters food in the dining room.)

Chen: Try the horned wasp eggs. (Lloyd looks at the bowl.) Delicious!

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Where stories live. Discover now