Chapter 60 ~ Misfortune Rising

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(The next morning, police car sirens wail as they head toward the police department where the Commissioner is giving a speech to them in a room.)

Commissioner: Find me those Ninja! They can't just break out of Kryptarium and completely disappear. I want witnesses, I want locations. (He walks around patting Simon on the shoulder.) There's eight of them for crying out loud! Meaning, one of them is bound to slip up, and I want to be there to arrest them when that happens. Is that clear? 

Simon: We're on it, Commissioner! (He continues to type on the computer.)

Commissioner: These fugitives are Ninja, people. They could be right under our noses for all we know. (The police officer nods as he walks off, passing by a certain police officer with a mustache...)

Nya: (Disguised as a cop, she whispers into her communication device.) All right, I'm in their secured network. But I still need that password.

Jay: (Also disguised as a cop, going through his computer.) I'm looking for it now, but I don't get it. Why do we have to hack into their system when we already have a Nindroid?

Nya: (Whispering) Because like Pixal told us when we asked Zane to hack into the security records of the city she said, and I quote, "Nindroids don't know everything." And since Mr. Borg has been locked up in his tower for some secret invention, and if Soto says the map is the only thing that can stop Nadakhan on his ship, then we need to find it manually through the police records. And we have to find it fast.

Jay: Noted. (He clears his throat before turning to Tommy, deep voice) Hey, real fast, what's the password again?

Tommy: (Eating a donut.) The password is- (He stops abruptly.) Hey, I haven't seen you around the station before, who are you again?

Jay: (Pauses and sweats.) Uh, I'm- uh....

Tommy: Simon! (Calls across the station.) Did we get a new recruit or somethin'?!

Simon: Uh, I don't think so-

Nya: (She raises her hand. Disguises voice.) Er, uh, yeah we did actually. He's just one of those rookies that got temporarily promoted for the Ninja search. 

Tommy: Hmm, checks out. 

Jay: Ehehe, yeah. So, uh, that password?

Tommy: Right, the password is "password."

Jay: (Whispering) Phew, that was a close one, got that?

Nya: (Whispering) That worked. (She starts scrolling through the files.) Now searching city records for the last known whereabouts of his ship, Misfortune's Keep. Speaking of which, hey, Kai, how's Destiny's Bounty holding up?

(Meanwhile, with Kai and Zane, they are seen outside of the repo yard looking at the Bounty through the fence.) 

Kai: I got my eyes on it now, sis. We sure could use it. (He touches the electric fence and pulls back.) Ow! Careful, Zane. It's electrified.

Zane: I believe all of the signs on this repo yard made that abundantly clear. (Kai blinks when he sees the "many" signs.) Perhaps there's another suitable solution past this obstacle. Airjitzu? (He flies over the fence.)

Kai: Heh, and that's why I picked you to on my team for this. (He follows and lands beside Zane.)

Zane: Really? My logic perimeters notified me your reason had been because of your dislike for Morro-

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