Chapter One

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This is a sequel and an explicit smut fic. If you are a minor DO NOT read this fic or interact as per the author's wishes. Thank you. 

The alarm on Trevor's phone blared for the fifth time that morning- rather, afternoon. It was well past noon, breaching on 1:00. You let out a tired groan from beneath Trevor as you slapped your hand around on the side table until you found the phone.

"Hit it on snooze again, baby," Trevor begged. "I want round two."

"You were lucky to get round one, now get off of me," you retorted. Trevor whined as he rolled off of you; you managed to successfully grab his phone.

"Come on, [Y/N]. At least let me sleep in," Trevor said.

"No can do," you told him. "We're having a company meeting at 1:30, I can't hit snooze any longer. Besides, I've gotta take my meds." He let out another lengthy moan in response and draped an arm around your midriff, his hand snaking up to your face to brush his thumb against your cheek. 

It had been six and a half months since you and Trevor had entered a relationship with each other. For the most part, things had gone smoothly. As smoothly as they could with somebody like him. He wasn't like anybody you'd ever met, truly. 

For starters, he seemed to know everybody and their grandma. A couple months after Sadie had been found, Trevor had mentioned he'd gone out on a hunting trip with somebody who had the same name- Cletus. It wasn't a common name, and after asking, Trevor had indeed confirmed this was the same Cletus that had found Sadie and contacted Gabi. Along with this, the more businesses you'd enter with Trevor, the workers seemed to know him by name and vice versa. It astonished you how well he was able to remember people's names given his past habits.

Past habits, of course, being the excessive drug use. You'd managed to pry a little bit into what his usage had been like before the two of you had met.

"Weed, coke, beer, X. You know, the usual party drugs. That was before Michael decided to, you know," he'd told you one night during pillow talk. "After that job went wrong, I started doing all the other shit. If it's under the sun, I did it at least once. Most popular ones were meth, gas, and drinking. I can't fucking stand weed anymore, weirdly enough."

You'd managed to help Trevor somewhat curb his drinking and eliminate his gas and speed entirely. There had been a slip-up about four months into your relationship, but he managed to move past it with your help. 

During an outing with Franklin and Lamar, you'd informed them about the good news with Trevor's drug intake. "Jesus Christ," Franklin had scoffed, "I always told him he'd never be able to find a girl with the balls to tame him, but here we are, I guess."

"Trust me," you said with a laugh, "he's not tamed. He just has a lesser chance of dying. It may be a marginal change of chance, but it's still a win." 

Trevor tried and failed to hold onto you as you got up to get ready for the day. You roughly patted his thigh. "Time for you to get up. Come on."

"I'm getting up, sweetness," Trevor murmured. You took his word for it and went into the bathroom of your shared trailer. It was basically both of yours now, considering your initial one was nothing but ash and dust now. Since you were looking exhausted in the mirror, you brushed your hair and teeth and put makeup on before popping your 1:00 birth control. You cringed at the strong, bitter taste of it as it went down your throat. 

You'd been quick to get on the pill after Gabi had found out about you and Trevor, much to Gabi's relief and Trevor's impartiality. He'd protested a little initially, but you were keeping your foot down: you didn't want kids. Not with him, at least. Your shared lifestyle was too dangerous to bring another person into without their consent. He'd seemed to stop caring after the first couple days of taking it, thank God. 

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