Chapter Six

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A content sigh escaped your lips as you and Trevor pulled into the De Santa's driveway. You were feeling especially grateful to be alive on this fine night; how lucky were you to be in Rockford Hills, Los Santos with your boyfriend who happened to be one of the baddest bad boys in the country on a double date, of all things? 

Trevor turned the ignition off and came around your side of the car to open the door, interrupting your thoughts as he did so. "Ladies first," he said with a shit-eating grin. You playfully shoulder-checked him as you got out of the truck and made your way to the front door together, where Michael and Amanda were already waiting for you to come inside. 

"I've got my eye on you, Trevor," Amanda warned. 

"Come on, Mandy! I've never stolen a thing in my life," Trevor said. Amanda narrowed her eyes and let out a huff of amusement at what he'd said, and Trevor hastily corrected his statement. "I've never stolen a thing from Michael in my life! Scout's honor."

"Didn't you tell me you got kicked out of Scouts in fourth grade because you were chasing other boys around with a pocketknife?" Michael asked as you all made your way into the living room.

"No," Trevor scoffed, "I was booted for chasing kids with a wooden spear I sharpened out of a pocketknife. But tomato, tomahto." He wiped his nose with his wrist before continuing to speak. "So, what have you two freaks configured for our night in? I hope there's lots of sex."

Amanda pressed her hand to her temple. "For the love of God, Trevor, no." She glared at him for a moment until the silence became unbearably awkward, then she answered his question sincerely. "We're having some Café Austère delivered here, and we've got a few things we can do that I figured we could pick from as a group. We've got plenty of movies, the pool, tennis, yoga..." she trailed off and glanced at Michael to see if he could remember anything she hadn't.

Michael thought for a second until a mischievous smirk crossed his face. "Jimmy just left today to spend the week in Carcer City for some gamer convention thing, and, well, Tracey's moved out, but she left all the 'off-season' clothes that wouldn't fit at her place along with some other knick knacks. Maybe we could snoop through-"

"Really, Michael?" Trevor was the one to scold this time, tutting his tongue at his old friend. "No wonder your children both wish I was their father. I respect their privacy and I would never steal from them!" 

You winced at the blow Trevor had just dealt to Michael and spoke up before an argument escalated. "I think it would be really nice to have dinner outside once it arrives. You know, appreciate where we are."

"Yes," Amanda quickly agreed as the doorbell sounded throughout the mansion. "I'll get it." While Amanda was getting the food and making small talk with the delivery driver, Michael delved into the kitchen cabinets to find a tablecloth. 

By the time Amanda came outside with the food, the patio table near the pool was all set up. Dinner, accompanied by a bottle of fine wine, was eaten fairly quickly by all. Trevor wolfed it down quicker than usual and took some off your plate once he was finished. You and Amanda took a little bit longer to eat than Michael thanks to some small talk and semi-intriguing conversation.

"I thought she got killed off in season two because her actor was a POS?" you asked. You were talking about a show that hadn't quite managed to pique your interest, but Amanda was still avidly following.

"Well," Amanda said excitedly, "she was, then it turned out her actress was innocent, so they brought her back to life and introduced a supernatural side to the show, which is why it's on season eight now!" 

"Nine," Michael corrected through a grunt as he finished downing his wine. "New season got approved this morning, public just doesn't know it yet." He smirked, satisfied with his ability to share hidden knowledge to his wife. 

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