Chapter Seven

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Frilly red lace itched your skin every time you took a breath. You felt queasy anticipating how Trevor would react to your surprise - you knew it would be positive; he was physically incapable of reacting any other way towards sexual things - but you'd never really done anything like this before.

A week before, you had been cleaning out the closet in you and Trevor's room in an effort to get rid of the moths once and for all. A box fell onto your head, causing you to yelp, and bounced to the floor, its contents spilling everywhere.

"Fuck," you muttered. You bent down and started putting the stuff back into the box. It was mostly important papers and documents of Trevor's. One item in particular made you pause and study it - somehow, he had managed to keep an old driver's license.

It was a bit faded and had some stains on it, but you could still make out his picture. He had all of his hair (grown out into a mullet, of course), he didn't have any crow's feet or wrinkles, and he had a nose ring. You smiled as you looked at it, wondering what would have been different had you been closer in age. As you continued to take in the driver's license, you noticed his birthday.

He'd always been adamant on not telling you when his birthday was, claiming it wasn't a cause for celebration, but there was a curiosity that wriggled in the back of your head regardless. The date on his driver's license read 09/26/1968. September 26 was about a week away. I wanna do something nice for him, something nice for his birthday. Something he'll like.

You'd called Wade and told him you would like the Vanilla Unicorn emptied out for the night of Saturday the 26th, even the strippers. It took him a bit of sweet-talking since Saturday night was the most popular time of the week, but he eventually agreed. The only people who would be there were Wade, Trevor, and yourself.

Your plan? Wade was going to have Trevor take him into the city. Once they were there, you would call and tell Trevor he needed to put a blindfold on while Wade took him to a secret destination. Wade would take over the driving and bring Trevor inside the Vanilla Unicorn, guiding him through the facility and into a private room, where there would be a singular heavy chair with handcuffs on the arms of it. Wade would have Trevor sit down and slap the handcuffs onto him before leaving the room, going to the speakers, and connecting a special playlist you'd concocted for the occasion.

Astonishingly, Wade had gotten Trevor into position with no major injuries sustained. Gimme More by Britney Spears, a classic in Vanilla Unicorn, began to blare throughout the building, giving you your cue if Trevor bellowing threats toward Wade hadn't already done it. You'd dressed yourself in cherry red lingerie that barely covered your modesty. It was an exotic, lacy three-piece with a garter, and most importantly, it was brand new. A wave of nervousness washed over you as you hastily slathered on some coconut body oil and hurried from the dressing room to the private room where Trevor was shouting and writhing against the chair.

"Wade, where the fuck am I!? I'm gonna gut you and hang your intestines on my clothesline when I get ahold of you, this stupid fucking music, gaah, your traitorous ass-"

You interrupted Trevor's tirade by placing a finger on his lip. He quieted down and processed the situation, then put two and two together. "Am I in a strip club? Look, lady, I respect the hustle, but get me the fuck out of here. I have a girlfriend and I'm not interested in you."

You hadn't put together that he wouldn't know who you were since he had the blindfold on, and you certainly weren't expecting the first words to tumble out of his mouth to be 'I have a girlfriend'. A smile crossed your face realizing just how loyal he was, so you put your hands on each of his shoulders and straddled his lap.

"I said stop it. Knock it the fuck off, last warning," Trevor snarled, shaking his body back and forth in a futile attempt to get you to leave him alone.

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