Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Looks like we're landing," you observed as you peered out the plane window.

"Finally," Trevor sighed. "I can't stand being in planes that I'm not piloting."

Last week, Trevor had bought you, Brad, and himself tickets to fly to Ambarino to visit your family. Gabi had also purchased a ticket when you told her; she also had family near where yours was located. Her mom had also welcomed a baby, the seventh kid in the family, a few months ago, but Gabi had yet to meet it, so she'd figured she might as well now. You were sitting closest to the window holding Brad the whole trip, Trevor was in the center seat on edge during both flights, and Gabi was snoring in the aisle seat.

Trevor began nudging Gabi as the plane's wheels hit the ground. Slowly, she woke up. "Shit," she grumbled, "where am I?"

"Home," you answered with a smile.

"Ah, Jesus," she grunted, sitting up and combing her fingers through her hair. "Whose place are we stopping by first? Probably my parents' place since it's further south, right?"

"Yeah, that works." You hadn't told your parents that you'd come up to visit or even that you'd given birth- you'd made a reservation at the bed and breakfast they owned under a generic name. You were excited for your family to meet Brad with the exception of your mother. She was a very traditional and judgemental person, and you knew she disapproved of you having a baby before getting married. She could fling all the passive-aggressive insults at you that she wanted as long as she wouldn't hold your marital status against Brad.

"Alright." As you filed down the aisle of the plane to get off, Gabi asked, "The car rental place is in the airport, right?"

"Yep. We've got a reservation, too," you answered.

"Sweet. Shit, it's cold out!" Gabi shivered as she neared the exit, and you did the same.

"I forgot just how cold it is," you agreed, covering the car seat you'd been carrying Brad around in with his blanket so he didn't get too chilly.

"You're both just too soft and adjusted to the Los Santos weather," Trevor pointed out. "In my opinion, this is the perfect weather. Give me this any day."

"Well, nobody asked for your opinion, so shut your cakehole," Gabi said, her teeth chattering as she made an awkward run for the indoor portion of the airport. You tried to match her pace, but found it difficult, so you settled for speedwalking.

"It's a good thing we all packed coats," you panted once you reached the indoors.

"Speak for yourself," Gabi huffed. "You didn't leave your coat here due to being kidnapped."

"I'm in. Who are we kidnapping?" Trevor had caught up to you both and appeared enthusiastic at the thought of committing a crime before you were even out of the airport.

"Nobody," you clarified quickly. You looked up at the signs and found the way to the car rental area. After looking around for a waiting area, you sat down and pulled your coat out, finding Trevor's shortly thereafter and giving it to him.

You got the rental car and, about two hours later, you arrived at the Geddes household. Ding-dong. Gabi rang the bell as steam billowed out of her nose and her teeth chattered. There was some shouting behind the door and you were pretty sure something fell over before the door unlocked and Gabi's mother, Sienna Geddes, opened it with a smile.

"Oh, Gabi!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Gabi and giving her a tight squeeze. "I missed you so much, sweetie!"

"Get off of me," Gabi whined, struggling to get out of her mother's grip to no avail.

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