Chapter Two

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"Mmmm... mmmm... arrgh!" Trevor's hum of discontent had been heard many times in the past day. Ron may not have been your favorite person, but you had to admit that he cared greatly for Trevor and the business.  Being the diplomat he was, he had swiftly gotten in contact with the O'Neils after the meeting where you'd discussed their return, and he'd set up a business meeting between T.P.I. and the O'Neils. You were in the Bodhi with Trevor on your way to said meeting. "You've got your gun," Trevor asked for the third time since you'd gotten in the car, "right?"

"Yes," you said with a roll of your eyes. "There can't be that many of them, can there?"

"I don't know," Trevor snapped, his hands tightening around the steering wheel and his knuckles whitening as he gritted his teeth. "Ron had better not be betraying me with this meeting or else I'll-"

"Hey. It was your idea in the first place, if anything goes awry, you've only yourself to blame," you reminded him. 

"If you were any other employee, I'd have thrown you out of the truck for talking back," Trevor said with a menacing gleam in his eyes. "Consider yourself lucky you have a nice set of tits."

When you'd first met Trevor, you would have avoided him for days after threats like that, but you knew the two of you were close enough at this point to where he'd never actually act on what he was saying. "Keep talking to me like that and you won't have a tongue to keep talking with," you retorted. 

If anybody else had made a smart remark like that to him, Trevor would have bashed their skull open without thinking twice, but you'd secured a special enough place in his heart to where he simply chuckled, shook his head, and said, "My bad, [Y/N]."

The O'Neils had insisted on neutral ground, so the destination you were arriving at was an abandoned building between Grapeseed and Sandy Shores. Cars belonging to the rest of Trevor's higher-up employees- Ron, Wade, Chef, and Gabi- were right behind his truck. Everybody got out at around the same time and warily crept into the building. All of you had a hand on your weapon of choice.

"In here, Trevor and friends," a masculine voice with a heavy southern twang called out. "Seats for all of you and water, too." 

Trevor pushed Wade into the room the voice was coming from and, when he wasn't shot on sight, Trevor came in baring a grin. "Walton O'Neillllll. Long time, no see!"

The man he was speaking to was a lanky man sitting in a spinny chair, late thirties, with a sallow and sickly face riddled with small scratches, not unlike Trevor when you'd first met him. He had three men who looked somewhat similar standing behind him.

"Trevor Philips," Walton said with a brusque nod and a frown. "Was in a coma for a few months there after one of your buddies here tried killin' me, then I had to relearn how to walk, and eat, and talk-"

"Well, seems you've got the talking down," Trevor interrupted as he took a seat at the fold-up table Walton and his associates had set up. The associates, who you could only assume were Walton's second cousins, were glaring daggers into Trevor. "I figured I'd be merciful enough to give you and your business a second chance. I can buy you out, merge the companies together, you can get yourself a little island off the coast of San An."

"This why you dragged me here?" Walton asked with a huff of disbelief. "You've got a lotta nerve, Philips. You kill ten of my brothers, my mother-sister, my cousins, and my friends, send me into a coma after failin' to kill me, then try and steal my business again?"

Trevor was silent for a second as he mulled over what Walton had said. "...Yes."

"Ten million," Walton said. "That'll cover my medical bill, the funeral costs, the emotional costs, and the cost of my production site, plus the net worth of my company before you ruined it."

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