Chapter Twenty-One

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Content Warning: This chapter contains birth and multiple torture scenes.

"I'm here to relieve you, Darius." Mark, the older man with a personal vendetta against Trevor, had come into the trailer.

It had been six nights since the Lost had kidnapped you and taken you hostage as a way to get to Trevor. You knew because you'd been keeping a sharp eye on the windows, watching the weather and trying to pay attention to the noises outside in hopes you may hear news about Trevor. You hadn't heard anything about your boyfriend, and you hadn't been disposed of, so you felt good assuming that Trevor was staying a step ahead of the Lost and was attempting to track your location down. Unfortunately, the only noises you'd heard were coyotes at night and James barking orders to the local members at completely random hours.

James was behind Mark as he came in. "Here for a surprise visit this fine afternoon," he added. "Take a hike, brother."

"Yes, sir." Darius had gotten up and walked out.

For the most part, anybody who was guarding you just sat down, put on some soundproof headphones, and perused their phone during their shift. The only person who ever engaged in conversation with you was Curtis or whoever brought you food. The Lost were stingy with food when it came to hostages, but you had managed to garner sympathy from Curtis and he would bring you extra food along with letting you use the bathroom instead of a bucket. He vaguely reminded you of Wade; Curtis seemed to be a genuinely decent guy who had just ended up on the wrong side. If he survived the inevitable slaughter that would rain down on this place, you might see if he could get a job under Trevor as long as he swore off the Lost.

Fortunately, you'd never had Mark as a guard, and James was too busy to be bothered with such trivial duties. The two of them together couldn't mean anything good. "Long time, no see, [Y/N]. Mark, go get the shit we talked about on the way here." James crouched at the door of where you were stowed and plugged the numbers into the cam lock, swinging the door open and grabbing your arm. "Out, dog."

You were unceremoniously yanked out of the cage and staggered to your feet with a gasp; you woud have fell over were it not for James grabbing you. "I don't think I can stand."

Your voice had gone out on the second day from all the screaming you'd done, and you'd stayed silent since then, only using your vocal cords when Curtis came in. It had been a couple days since you'd seen him, though, so you sounded quite off.

"Well, we don't need you to stand. In fact, Mark's getting a chair for you. Speak of the devil..." Mark had returned carrying a folding chair, some rope, a dish towel, and a jug of water.

"What's that for?" You figured that it was for you, obviously- what exactly all of it meant, though, you were unure. Maybe they're gonna let me bathe? You could only assume that's what it was.

"You'll see soon enough. Mark, you're doing the recording, right?" James asked. "I think it'd piss Trevor off even more than he already is."

"We don't even know if he's pissed though," Mark hissed. "He's been radio silent! I say we just kill the bitch and get it over with."

"Patience is key with these kinds of things, brother," James reassured. "Just have some faith in your club president's president, alright? I've done this dozens of times before."

Mark sat at the chair all the guards sat on and began to observe you and James. "Alright. I'll let you get set up."

James snapped and pointed to the chair. "Get in it."

You began taking unsteady steps towards the unfolded chair when a spasm of pain similar to a menstrual cramp rocked your body. "Ow! Shit!" you exclaimed as you bent to the ground and started to curl your body up. You'd been having contractions the whole time you'd been in the hands of the Lost, somewhat consistent ones every fifteen-ish minutes the past day, but you weren't worried. The doctor had mentioned that there would be contractions up to months before you actually went into labor.

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