Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Finally. Took fucking long enough." Trevor had just gotten home from the hospital after two weeks of being in it, and the first thing he did was crash on the bed, his limbs spread in the shape of a starfish. "Hi, kitty." Sadie had hopped onto the bed to sit with Trevor.

After Trevor had been checked into the hospital, you'd visited every day with Brad for as long as you were allowed to stay with him. The first week had been rough for Trevor, and it was difficult to watch him struggle, but you knew he had to do it for his own health and safety. Michael and his kids had stopped by to visit a handful of times, too. While Tracey and Jimmy were happy to talk with Trevor, Michael had been oddly reserved for the most part.

Trevor was excited to finally be home; the night before, he'd told you about his grand plans for his homecoming, but it seemed they'd been cut short with a nap. Snores cut the silence in the air, so you decided to let Trevor catch up on his sleep.

"Shit," you hissed beneath your breath as you tripped over Brad's changing area, stubbing your toe and nearly toppling over in the process. I need to have a serious talk with Trevor soon about moving somewhere bigger. A tiny two-room trailer with a half-bath wasn't cutting it now that you had a baby. You went over to the living room crib where Brad was frowning and twitching in his sleep.

The past couple days had been difficult for Brad; he'd been extremely fussy and seemed to be nonstop hungry. Naturally, there was a lot more volume in his diapers, too, which was leading to frequent blowouts. The doctor had said this behavior was normal during a growth spurt, but it felt like it was never going to end.

"Come here, bud," you murmured to Brad as you picked him up and brought him over to the changing area you'd just tripped over. You figured you might as well change his diaper while he was asleep. The entire time, it felt like you were diffusing a bomb. Right as you were carefully snapping the bottom of his onesie back up, the baby began to stir, and he did not look happy. Fussing immediately proceeded after he opened his eyes.

Shit. What if Trevor wakes up? You didn't want to disturb Trevor's sleep, too; you put a panicked finger over Brad's mouth while stroking the top of his head in an effort to soothe him. It seemed to work for now, so you picked him up and held him close to you. "Well," you thought aloud, "can't exactly put you back in the crib or else you'll freak out, so let's just go sit with Dad. Quietly." You emphasized the last word as you looked at Brad, hoping that his developing brain would somehow understand what you meant.

Of course, Brad had only been earthside for a month and a half, so he simply stared up at his mother with curiosity alight in his gaze. You slipped into the bedroom and settled onto your side of the bed. Trevor was letting out the odd soft snore into his pillow, which was currently being held in a vice grip with both hands. Sadie rested right above his head, but she opened a green eye out of curiosity as you disturbed her comfort.

"This is my cheese shop, I name the manta rays, fuck on outta here," Trevor muttered in his sleep. You made a mental reminder to ask him what exactly was happening in his dream once he woke up when Brad began fussing again.

You sighed and looked down at Brad. "You're hungry again." He balled his fists and stuck his tongue out as if confirming the statement. "Killin' me, Braddy-boo." You tried readjusting your shirt so Brad would be able to breastfeed, but the shirt kept falling onto him. Not wanting to face the constant battle of keeping Brad's face unobstructed, you shrugged, popped the shirt off, and tossed it to the side of the bed.

As Brad began nursing, you yawned and fought back the urge to sleep; you hadn't gotten much the past few days thanks to your son's insistence on staying awake as much as possible. You shot a jealous glance at Trevor as he shifted his body back and forth and grumbled, "Elves. The elves." Elves? You began thinking about the fictional creatures and got caught in a daydream when Brad let out a guttural grunt of anger that your attention wasn't solely focused on him.

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